Смотреть что такое "marrow-spoon" в других словарях:
marrow spoon — a long and slender spoon used by fly fishermen to extract stomach contents of fish and thus determine what the fish are feeding on and what artificial fly would be appropriate … Dictionary of ichthyology
Bone marrow — Simplified illustration of cells in bone marrow. Latin medulla ossium Code TA … Wikipedia
List of types of spoons — For description and history, see spoon. For spoons other than utensils, see Spoon (disambiguation). Eating utensils Spoons are primarily used to transfer edibles from vessel to mouth, usually at a dining table. Named after a drink or food with… … Wikipedia
Korean cuisine — Hanjeongsik, a full course Korean meal with a varied array of banchan (side dishes)[1] Korean name … Wikipedia
Proto-Dené-Caucasian roots — The following glossary is based on the works mentioned in the references. The Proto Dené–Caucasian language is the hypothetical common ancestor of the Basque, Burushaski, North Caucasian, Sino Tibetan, Yeniseian, Na Dené and possibly also other… … Wikipedia
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind … Proverbs new dictionary
Dinosaur — For other uses, see Dinosaur (disambiguation). Dinosaurs Temporal range: Late Triassic–Late Cretaceous, 231.4–65.5 Ma … Wikipedia
Iron deficiency anemia — For a discussion of iron deficiency more broadly, see the Wikipedia article iron deficiency. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and is also known as sideropenic anemia. It is the most common cause of microcytic anemia. Iron … Wikipedia
Catalan cuisine — Pa amb tomàquet (bread and tomato with olive oil). Catalan cuisine is a Mediterranean cuisine from Catalonia. It may also refer to the shared cuisine of Roussillon and Andorra, which has a similar cuisine to the Alt Urgell and Cerdanya comarques … Wikipedia
Full course dinner — Part of a series on Meals … Wikipedia
Turkish dance — refers to the folk dances of Turkey. On the border between Europe and the Middle East, facing three seas, straddling important trade routes, Turkey has an ancient and complicated culture, reflected in the variety of its dances. However its dance… … Wikipedia