marriage of convenience
Смотреть что такое "marriage of convenience" в других словарях:
marriage of convenience — A marriage of convenience is a marriage or commitment made for financial, social or other benefit rather than love, affection, etc … The small dictionary of idiomes
marriage of convenience — ► marriage of convenience a marriage concluded primarily to achieve a practical purpose. Main Entry: ↑marriage … English terms dictionary
marriage of convenience — n. marriage entered into from calculated self interest or expediency … English World dictionary
Marriage of convenience — A marriage of convenience (plural marriages of convenience) is a marriage contracted for reasons other than the reasons of relationship, family, or love. Instead, such a marriage is orchestrated for personal gain or some other sort of strategic… … Wikipedia
marriage of convenience — noun a marriage for expediency rather than love • Hypernyms: ↑marriage, ↑matrimony, ↑union, ↑spousal relationship, ↑wedlock * * * Etymology: translation of French mariage de convenance : a marriage contracted rather for the advantages (as keeping … Useful english dictionary
marriage of convenience — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms marriage of convenience : singular marriage of convenience plural marriages of convenience a marriage arranged for political or financial reasons and not for love … English dictionary
marriage of convenience — fiktyvi santuoka statusas Aprobuotas sritis viešasis administravimas apibrėžtis Lietuvos Respublikos piliečio arba teisėtai Lietuvos Respublikoje gyvenančio užsieniečio ir užsieniečio, kuris nėra Europos Sąjungos valstybės narės pilietis,… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
marriage of convenience — marriage of con venience n 1.) an agreement between two or more countries, businesses, or people that is only made for political or economic reasons 2.) a marriage for political or economic reasons, not for love … Dictionary of contemporary English
marriage of convenience — marriage of con venience noun count a marriage arranged for political or financial reasons and not for love … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
marriage of convenience — marriage entered into for a personal or family advantage, as for social, political, or economic reasons, usually without love and sometimes without the expectation of sexual relations. [1705 15] * * * … Universalium
marriage of convenience — marriage entered into for practical reasons (and not for love) … English contemporary dictionary