Смотреть что такое "marmalade" в других словарях:
Marmalade — Marmalade is a bitter, jellylike preserve, once made from quinces but now primarily from oranges, including some of their peel. This word has thrived in folk stories, even though there is no direct line between the preserve and its ancestor.… … Dictionary of eponyms
Marmalade — Mar ma*lade (m[aum]r m[.a]*l[=a]d), n. [F. marmelade, Pg. marmelada, fr. marm[ e]lo a quince, fr. L. melimelum honey apple, Gr. meli mhlon a sweet apple, an apple grafted on a quince; me li honey + mh^lon apple. Cf. {Mellifluous}, {Melon}.] A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
marmalade — Mar ma*lade (m[aum]r m[.a]*l[=a]d), n. [F. marmelade, Pg. marmelada, fr. marm[ e]lo a quince, fr. L. melimelum honey apple, Gr. meli mhlon a sweet apple, an apple grafted on a quince; me li honey + mh^lon apple. Cf. {Mellifluous}, {Melon}.] A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Marmalade — war eine schottische Popgruppe, die zwischen 1968 und 1976 insgesamt 8 Hits unter den ersten zehn zu verzeichnen hatte. Aufgrund ihrer Berühmtheit wurde ein Cocktail nach ihr benannt, der Marmaladdie . Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bandgeschichte 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
marmalade — late 15c., from M.Fr. marmelade, from Port. marmelada quince jelly, marmalade, from marmelo quince, by dissimilation from L. melimelum sweet apple, originally fruit of an apple tree grafted onto quince, from Gk. melimelon, from meli honey (see… … Etymology dictionary
marmalade — ► NOUN ▪ a preserve made from citrus fruit, especially bitter oranges. ORIGIN Portuguese marmelada quince jam , from marmelo quince … English terms dictionary
marmalade — [mär′mə lād΄] n. [OFr marmelade < Port marmelada, orig., confection of quinces < marmelo, quince < L melimelum < Gr melimēlon, sweet apple < meli, honey (see MILDEW) + mēlon, apple] a jamlike preserve made by boiling the pulp, and… … English World dictionary
Marmalade — Not to be confused with Marmelade. This article is about the type of fruit preserve. For other uses, see Marmalade (disambiguation). Seville orange marmalade with rind Marmalade is a fruit preserve made from the juice and peel of citrus fruits,… … Wikipedia
marmalade — Collective term for alcoholic beverages; however, cannot be used to express the alcohol content level. Marmalade is marmalade 30 proof marmalade would be wrong. Got any marmalade? OR Shall I bring marmalade? … Dictionary of american slang
marmalade — Collective term for alcoholic beverages; however, cannot be used to express the alcohol content level. Marmalade is marmalade 30 proof marmalade would be wrong. Got any marmalade? OR Shall I bring marmalade? … Dictionary of american slang
marmalade — 1. noun /ˈmɑː(ɹ)m.ə.leɪd/ Citrus fruit variant of jam but distinguished by being made slightly bitter by the addition of the peel and by partial caramelisation during manufacture. Most commonly made with Seville oranges, and usually qualified by… … Wiktionary