markup pricing

markup pricing
метод наценки;
ценообразование по принципу издержки плюс накидка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "markup pricing" в других словарях:

  • Markup (business) — Markup is the difference between the cost of a good or service and its selling price.[1] A markup is added on to the total cost incurred by the producer of a good or service in order to create a profit. The total cost reflects the total amount of …   Wikipedia

  • Pricing strategies — for products or services include the following: Contents 1 Competition based pricing 2 Cost plus pricing 3 Creaming or skimming 4 Limit pricin …   Wikipedia

  • Markup rule — The Markup rule is used in economics to explain firm pricing decisions. It states that the price a firm with market power will charge is equal to a markup over the firm s marginal cost, equal to one over one minus the inverse of the price… …   Wikipedia

  • markup — An amount added to a product’s selling price. A markup may be calculated by reference to a product’s costs, or to a product’s previous selling prices. See also *cost plus pricing and *markdown …   Auditor's dictionary

  • Cost-plus pricing — is a pricing method used by companies to maximize their profits. The firms accomplish their objective of profit maximization by increasing their production until marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and then charging a price which is determined …   Wikipedia

  • Transfer pricing — refers to the pricing of contributions (assets, tangible and intangible, services, and funds) transferred within an organization. For example, goods from the production division may be sold to the marketing division, or goods from a parent… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost-plus pricing with elasticity considerations — One of the most common pricing methods used by firms is cost plus pricing. In spite of its ubiquity, economists rightly point out that it has serious methodological flaws. It takes no account of demand. There is no way of determining if potential …   Wikipedia

  • Variable Cost-Plus Pricing — A pricing method in which the selling price is established by adding a markup to total variable costs. The expectation is that the markup will contribute to meeting all or a part of fixed costs, and generate some level of profit. Variable cost… …   Investment dictionary

  • cost-plus pricing — The establishment of a product’s selling price by adding a predetermined *markup to the product’s costs …   Auditor's dictionary

  • Cost-of-production theory of value — In economics, the cost of production theory of value is the theory that the price of an object or condition is determined by the sum of the cost of the resources that went into making it. The cost can compose any of the factors of production… …   Wikipedia

  • Традиционный способ установления цены — метод ценообразования, при котором цена реализации определяется на основе полной себестоимости продукции путем добавления к ней определенной доли прибыли (наценки). Традиционный способ применяется либо в условиях отсутствия необходимой информации …   Финансовый словарь

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