marketing station

marketing station
нефтетоварная база, нефтебаза

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "marketing station" в других словарях:

  • Station Voice — ist die Bezeichnung für einen Sprecher bzw. eine Sprecherin, der/die für einen Hörfunk oder Fernsehsender den überwiegenden Teil der bzw. alle programmlichen Rahmenelemente spricht, z. B. Trailer, Jingles oder Teaser zu Beginn einer Sendung oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Station wagon — Typical pillar configurations of a sedan (three box), station wagon (two box) and hatchback (two box) from the same model range …   Wikipedia

  • Marketing for Grand Theft Auto IV — Mural ad for the game on a wall at Canal and Greene street, New York City, July 2007. Grand Theft Auto IV is the first title in the fourth generation of the best selling Grand Theft Auto video game franchise developed by Rockstar North which was… …   Wikipedia

  • Station de recharge — Une station de recharge, aussi appelée station de recharge EV (Electric Vehicle), ou EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment), est une infrastructure qui fournit de l énergie pour la recharge de véhicules électriques. Renault Zoé et borne de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Marketing part number — The Marketing Part Number is code that Apple Computer uses to classify all of its items in a unique way[citation needed]. A typical Marketing Part Number are M8738LL/A for an 20 GB iPod or M9454LL/A for a Power Macintosh G5. Hardware usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Mobile marketing — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing …   Wikipedia

  • Mobile Marketing — can refer to one of two categories of marketing. First, and relatively new, is meant to describe marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a mobile phone (this is an example of horizontal telecommunication convergence). Second, and a more… …   Wikipedia

  • Local marketing agreement — In U.S. and Canadian broadcasting, a local marketing agreement (or local management agreement, or LMA) is an agreement in which one company agrees to operate a radio station or TV station owned by another licensee. In essence, it is a sort of… …   Wikipedia

  • Samson Remote Controlled Weapon Station — The Samson Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS), also known as Katlanit (קטלנית in Hebrew: lethal , female inflection) is a Remote Weapon System that enables a variety of devices to be operated automatically or by remote control, including… …   Wikipedia

  • Space station — The International Space Station in May 2011 A space station (or orbital station) is a spacecraft capable of supporting a crew which is designed to remain in space (most commonly in low Earth orbit) for an extended period of time, and to which… …   Wikipedia

  • Pennsylvania Station (New York City) — New York Pennsylvania Station Entrance, with Madison Square Garden and Penn Plaza in the background. Station statistics …   Wikipedia

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