- market-price
- ˈmɑ:kɪtˈpraɪs сущ. рыночная цена n рыночная цена market-price рыночная цена
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
market price — n 1: the price at which a security is currently selling on the market 2: market value (1) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
market price — n. the price that a commodity brings when sold in a given market; prevailing price … English World dictionary
market-price — market priceˈ or market valˈue noun The current price a commodity, etc will fetch at sale • • • Main Entry: ↑market … Useful english dictionary
market price — n the price of something on a ↑market at a particular time … Dictionary of contemporary English
market price — noun count or uncount BUSINESS the price that a product can be sold for at a particular time … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Market price — In economics, market price is the economic price for which a good or service is offered in the marketplace. It is of interest mainly in the study of microeconomics. Market value and market price are equal only under conditions of market… … Wikipedia
market price — The last reported price at which a security was traded on an exchange. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Last reported/known price of a financial instrument in a market. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary The price of a security. For shares … Financial and business terms
Market Price — The current price at which an asset or service can be bought or sold. Economic theory contends that the market price converges at a point where the forces of supply and demand meet. Shocks to either the supply side and/or demand side can cause… … Investment dictionary
market price — The price at which a seller is ready and willing to sell and a buyer ready and willing to buy in the ordinary course of trade. The price actually given in current market dealings; price established by public sales or sales in the way of ordinary… … Black's law dictionary
market price — The price at which a seller is ready and willing to sell and a buyer ready and willing to buy in the ordinary course of trade. The price actually given in current market dealings; price established by public sales or sales in the way of ordinary… … Black's law dictionary
market price — noun a) The price at which a product, financial instrument, service or other tradable item can be bought and sold at an open market; the going price. The actual price at which any commodity is commonly sold is called its market price. It may… … Wiktionary