margin transaction

margin transaction
бирж. сделка с маржой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "margin transaction" в других словарях:

  • margin transaction — n. The purchasing of securities using a combination of cash and a loan extended by the broker making the purchase. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • margin transaction — A transaction in stocks or commodities made through a broker, usually as a speculation, wherein no more than an advance is made by way of payment to the broker. 24 Am J1st Gaming § 72. See margin; marginal purchase; margin on sale …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • margin — The edge or border; the edge of a body of water where it meets the land. As applied to a boundary line of land, the margin of a river, creek, or other watercourse means the center of the stream. But in the case of a lake, bay, or natural pond,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • margin — The edge or border; the edge of a body of water where it meets the land. As applied to a boundary line of land, the margin of a river, creek, or other watercourse means the center of the stream. But in the case of a lake, bay, or natural pond,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • margin — /mahr jin/, n. 1. the space around the printed or written matter on a page. 2. an amount allowed or available beyond what is actually necessary: to allow a margin for error. 3. a limit in condition, capacity, etc., beyond or below which something …   Universalium

  • margin — noun 1》 an edge or border.     ↘the blank border on each side of the print on a page. 2》 the furthest reach or limit: the margins of acceptability. 3》 an amount by which something is won: a convincing 17 point margin.     ↘an amount included or… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Margin (finance) — For the 2011 film, see Margin Call. In finance, a margin is collateral that the holder of a financial instrument has to deposit to cover some or all of the credit risk of their counterparty (most often their broker or an exchange). This risk can… …   Wikipedia

  • margin — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin margin , margo border more at mark Date: 14th century 1. the part of a page or sheet outside the main body of printed or written matter 2. the outside limit and adjoining surface of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • margin — mar•gin [[t]ˈmɑr dʒɪn[/t]] n. 1) the space around the printed or written matter on a page 2) a border; edge 3) an amount allowed or available beyond what is necessary: margin for error[/ex] 4) a limit beyond or below which something ceases to… …   From formal English to slang

  • margin — n. & v. n. 1 the edge or border of a surface. 2 a the blank border on each side of the print on a page etc. b a line ruled esp. on exercise paper, marking off a margin. 3 an amount (of time, money, etc.) by which a thing exceeds, falls short, etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • margin trading — Buying securities, in part, with borrowed money. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * *    An investor pays a certain amount of cash to fund a transaction and borrows the remainder from a broker at a rate of interest. Margin trading provides… …   Financial and business terms

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