margin securities

margin securities
ценные бумаги, обращающиеся на бирже

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "margin securities" в других словарях:

  • Net interest margin securities — (or NIMS) is a type of financial instrument related to a securitization.For example, New Century Financial Corporation the subprime mortgage lender that went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in April 2007 sells the cash flows it receives from its… …   Wikipedia

  • margin — mar·gin / mär jən/ n 1: the difference between net sales and the cost of the merchandise sold from which expenses are usu. met or profits derived 2: the amount by which the market value of collateral is greater than the face value of a loan 3 a:… …   Law dictionary

  • margin call — In futures markets, companies are required to make a deposit, known as a margin, with the clearing house. The margin is based on the company s exposure under its open positions, and if this increases, say, by an adverse movement in the price, the …   Law dictionary

  • margin regulations — USA Regulation U (12 CFR 221) (REG U) Regulation U. Also known as margin regulations. The Federal Reserve Board regulation that governs loans made by banks for the purpose of buying securities. The regulation is intended to protect investors and… …   Law dictionary

  • margin — [mär′jən] n. [ME margine < L margo (gen. marginis): see MARK1] 1. a border, edge, or brink [the margin of the pond] 2. the blank space around the printed or written area on a page or sheet 3. a limit to what is desirable or possible 4 …   English World dictionary

  • margin stock — see stock Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. margin stock …   Law dictionary

  • margin account — n. (Finance) An account with a securities brokerage in which the broker extends credit. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • margin account — n: a client s account with a brokerage firm through which the client may buy securities on the firm s credit Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • margin transaction — n. The purchasing of securities using a combination of cash and a loan extended by the broker making the purchase. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • Net Interest Margin Securities - NIMS — A type of security that allows holders to access excess cash flows resulting from securitized mortgage loan pools. Excess cash flows from the securitized mortgage loan pools are transferred to a trust account through a NIMS transaction. From this …   Investment dictionary

  • Margin (finance) — For the 2011 film, see Margin Call. In finance, a margin is collateral that the holder of a financial instrument has to deposit to cover some or all of the credit risk of their counterparty (most often their broker or an exchange). This risk can… …   Wikipedia

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