margin of safety

margin of safety
тех. запас прочности;
коэффициент безопасности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "margin of safety" в других словарях:

  • Margin of safety — may mean: Margin of safety (financial) in a financial context. Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman is a classic value investing book. ISBN 9780887305108 Margin of safety (accounting) in cost accounting. Margin of safety in engineering especially… …   Wikipedia

  • Margin Of Safety — A principle of investing in which an investor only purchases securities when the market price is significantly below its intrinsic value. In other words, when market price is significantly… …   Investment dictionary

  • margin of safety — noun the margin required in order to insure safety in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress • Syn: ↑safety margin, ↑margin of error • Hypernyms: ↑margin, ↑index * * * : an arithmetical index …   Useful english dictionary

  • Margin of safety — With respect to working capital management, the difference between 1) the amount of long term financing, and 2) the sum of fixed assets and the permanent component of current assets. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * margin of safety UK …   Financial and business terms

  • margin of safety — With respect to working capital management, the difference between (1) the amount of long term financing and (2) the sum of fixed assets and the permanent component of current assets. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * margin of safety UK US… …   Financial and business terms

  • margin of safety — The difference between the level of activity at which an organization breaks even and a given level of activity greater than the breakeven point, especially the forecast level in a breakeven analysis. The margin of safety may be expressed in the… …   Accounting dictionary

  • margin of safety — The difference between the level of activity at which an organization breaks even and a given level of activity greater than the breakeven point The margin of safety may be expressed in the same terms as the breakeven point, i. e. sales value,… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • margin of safety — The difference between an individual or organization’s current operating activity and a critical performance measure like a *break even or insolvency point. A margin of safety can be measured in *values, Volumes, or *percentages, and the concept… …   Auditor's dictionary

  • Margin of safety (financial) — Margin of safety (safety margin) is the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price.. Another definition: In Break even analysis (accounting), margin of safety is how much output or sales level can fall before a… …   Wikipedia

  • margin of safety ratio — The margin of safety expressed as a percentage of a given level of activity. For example, if the sales level achieved is £500,000 and the sales level breakeven point is £400,000, the margin of safety is £100,000 and the margin of safety ratio… …   Accounting dictionary

  • margin of safety ratio — The margin of safety expressed as a percentage of a given level of activity. For example, if the sales level achieved is £500, 000 and the sales level breakeven point is £400, 000, the margin of safety is £100, 000 and the margin of safety ratio… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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