Смотреть что такое "maple" в других словарях:
Maple — 13 … Википедия
Maple — Ma ple (m[=a] p l), n. [AS. mapolder, mapulder, mapol; akin to Icel. m[ o]purr; cf. OHG. mazzaltra, mazzoltra, G. massholder.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Acer}, including about fifty species. {Acer saccharinum} is the {rock maple}, or {sugar… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maple — steht für Orte in Kanada: Maple (Ontario) Maple Ridge Distriktgemeinde in Kanada in den Vereinigten Staaten: Maple (Arkansas) Maple (Illinois) Maple (Kentucky) Maple (Minnesota) Maple (Minnesota) Maple (North Carolina) Maple (Oklahoma) Maple… … Deutsch Wikipedia
maple — [mā′pəl] n. [ME < OE mapel(treo), akin to ON mǫpurr] 1. any of a large genus (Acer) of trees of the maple family, grown for wood, sap, or shade 2. the hard, closegrained, light colored wood of such a tree, used for furniture, flooring, etc. 3 … English World dictionary
maple — (n.) c.1300, from O.E. mapultreow maple tree, also mapolder, mapuldre, related to O.N. möpurr, O.S. mapulder, M.L.G. mapeldorn, from P.Gmc. *maplo . There also was a P.Gmc. *matlo (Cf. O.H.G. mazzaltra, Ger. maszholder), but the connection and… … Etymology dictionary
maple — |meiple| s. m. Cadeirão de sala de estar. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
maple — ► NOUN ▪ a tree or shrub with lobed leaves, winged fruits, and syrupy sap. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Maple — For other uses, see Maple (disambiguation). Acer Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore maple) foliage Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
maple — maplelike, adj. /may peuhl/, n. 1. any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer, species of which are grown as shade or ornamental trees, for timber, or for sap. Cf. maple family. 2. the wood of any such tree. 3. the flavor of maple syrup or … Universalium
Maple — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Maple (homonymie). Cet article a pour sujet le logiciel de calcul formel Maple. Pour une définition du mot « maple », voir l’article maple du Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français
MAPLE — La instalación dedicada a la producción de isótopos MAPLE (Multipurpose Applied Physics Lattice Experiment) es un proyecto en marcha que llevan a cabo AECL y MDS Nordion. Cuando se complete incluirá dos reactores idénticos, así como las… … Wikipedia Español