map-folding problem
Смотреть что такое "map-folding problem" в других словарях:
Map folding — In combinatorial mathematics the map folding problem is the question of how many ways there are to fold a rectangular map along its creases. A related problem called the stamp folding problem is how many ways there are to fold a strip of… … Wikipedia
Map — /map/, n. Walter, c1140 1209?, Welsh ecclesiastic, poet, and satirist. Also, Mapes /mayps, may peez/. * * * I Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features usually geographic, geologic, or geopolitical of an… … Universalium
map — mappable, adj. mapper, n. /map/, n., v., mapped, mapping. n. 1. a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships… … Universalium
MAP — See modified American plan. * * * I Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features usually geographic, geologic, or geopolitical of an area of the Earth or of any celestial body. Globes are maps represented on… … Universalium
Mathematics of paper folding — The art of origami or paper folding has received a considerable amount of mathematical study. Fields of interest include a given paper model s flat foldability (whether the model can be flattened without damaging it) and the use of paper folds to … Wikipedia
Open problem — Open question redirects here. For information on open ended questions, see closed ended question. In science and mathematics, an open problem or an open question is a known problem that can be accurately stated, and has not yet been solved (no… … Wikipedia
Logistic map — The logistic map is a polynomial mapping of degree 2, often cited as an archetypal example of how complex, chaotic behaviour can arise from very simple non linear dynamical equations. The map was popularized in a seminal 1976 paper by the… … Wikipedia
Packing problem — Part of a series on Puzzles … Wikipedia
Chess problem — Part of a series on Puzzles … Wikipedia
Mind map — A hand drawn mind map A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Especially in British English, the terms spidergram and spidergraph are more common,[1]… … Wikipedia
Unseen University — Motto Nunc id Vides, Nunc ne Vides ( Now you see it, Now you don t. ) Established 1 AM (current Ankh Morpork calendar dates from founding) Type Public Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully Location … Wikipedia