

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "manysided" в других словарях:

  • Nikolai Amosov — Nikolai (Mykola) Amosov, MD (December 6, 1913, Cherepovets, Russian Empire – December 12, 2002, Kiev, Ukraine) was an Ukrainian doctor, heart surgeon, inventor, best selling author, and exercise enthusiast, known for his inventions of several… …   Wikipedia

  • Anna Maria Thelott — Anna Maria Thelott, (1683 1710) was a Swedish artist, and one of the first self supporting and professional female artists in Scandinavia. She was an engraver, an illustrator, a woodcut artist, and a miniaturist painter. Biography and career Anna …   Wikipedia

  • James Russell Lowell — (1845) James Russell Lowell (* 22. Februar 1819 in Cambridge, Massachusetts; † 12. August 1891 ebenda) war ein amerikanischer Lyriker, Essayist, Herausgeber, Hochschullehrer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • polyhedron — n.; pl. dra [Gr. polys, many; hedros, side] Manysided; many angled; a solid having many faces; polyhedral adj …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • Hegel, spirit, and politics — Leo Rauch Hegel’s impact on political thought has been immense giving shape to the major political movements of the modern world. Yet the person of average education is hardly familiar with the name, which is usually identified with a small… …   History of philosophy

  • many-sided — adjective consisting of many different qualities or features: a complex manysided personality …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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