many-sorted calculus

many-sorted calculus
мат. исчисление с несколькими видами переменных

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "many-sorted calculus" в других словарях:

  • many-sorted logic — A logic in which the variables range over different domains. In classical predicate calculus a proposition like ‘All Fs are G’ is represented as saying: take anything; if it is F, it is G. In a many sorted logic the representation will be: take… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • First-order logic — is a formal logical system used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. It goes by many names, including: first order predicate calculus, the lower predicate calculus, quantification theory, and predicate logic (a less… …   Wikipedia

  • Structure (mathematical logic) — In universal algebra and in model theory, a structure consists of a set along with a collection of finitary operations and relations which are defined on it. Universal algebra studies structures that generalize the algebraic structures such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Interpretation (logic) — An interpretation is an assignment of meaning to the symbols of a formal language. Many formal languages used in mathematics, logic, and theoretical computer science are defined in solely syntactic terms, and as such do not have any meaning until …   Wikipedia

  • Second-order logic — In logic and mathematics second order logic is an extension of first order logic, which itself is an extension of propositional logic.[1] Second order logic is in turn extended by higher order logic and type theory. First order logic uses only… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (M) — NOTOC M M estimator M group M matrix M separation M set M. C. Escher s legacy M. Riesz extension theorem M/M/1 model Maass wave form Mac Lane s planarity criterion Macaulay brackets Macbeath surface MacCormack method Macdonald polynomial Machin… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic — For other uses, see Logic (disambiguation). Philosophy …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematical logic topics — Clicking on related changes shows a list of most recent edits of articles to which this page links. This page links to itself in order that recent changes to this page will also be included in related changes. This is a list of mathematical logic …   Wikipedia

  • Higher-order logic — In mathematics, higher order logic is distinguished from first order logic in a number of ways.One of these is the type of variables appearing in quantifications; in first order logic, roughly speaking, it is forbidden to quantify over predicates …   Wikipedia

  • Cylindric algebra — The notion of cylindric algebra, invented by Alfred Tarski, arises naturally in the algebraization of first order logic with equality. This is comparable to the role Boolean algebras play for propositional logic. Indeed, cylindric algebras are… …   Wikipedia

  • Predicate logic — In mathematical logic, predicate logic is the generic term for symbolic formal systems like first order logic, second order logic, many sorted logic or infinitary logic. This formal system is distinguished from other systems in that its formulas… …   Wikipedia

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