manual craft

manual craft
(космонавтика) пилотируемый корабль - manual-craft flight полет пилотируемого корабля

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "manual craft" в других словарях:

  • Craft — (kr[.a]ft), n. [AS. cr[ae]ft strength, skill, art, cunning; akin to OS., G., Sw., & Dan. kraft strength, D. kracht, Icel. kraptr; perh. originally, a drawing together, stretching, from the root of E. cramp.] 1. Strength; might; secret power. [Obs …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Craft unionism — refers to organizing a union in a manner that seeks to unify workers in a particular industry along the lines of the particular craft or trade that they work in by class or skill level. It contrasts with industrial unionism, in which all workers… …   Wikipedia

  • craft — [kraft, kräft] n. [ME < OE cræft, strength, power; akin to Ger kraft, strength, force (sense “skill” only in E) < IE * grep < base * ger , to twist, turn (see CRADLE): basic sense “cramping of muscles during exertion of strength”] 1. a… …   English World dictionary

  • Craft (disambiguation) — A craft is an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill. Craft may also refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 People 3 Places …   Wikipedia

  • Manual labour — Detail from Labor, Charles Sprague Pearce (1896). Manual labour (British English), manual labor (American English) or manual work is physical work done by people, most especially in contrast to that done by machines, and also to that done by… …   Wikipedia

  • craft — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, strength, skill, from Old English cræft; akin to Old High German kraft strength Date: before 12th century 1. skill in planning, making, or executing ; dexterity 2. a. an occupation or trade requiring manual… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • craft — craftless, adj. /kraft, krahft/, n., pl. crafts or, for 5, 8, craft, v. n. 1. an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, esp. manual skill: the craft of a mason. 2. skill; dexterity: The silversmith worked with great craft. 3. skill or …   Universalium

  • craft — [[t]kræft, krɑft[/t]] n. pl. crafts, for5,8, craft, 1) an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, esp. manual skill 2) skill; dexterity 3) cunning; deceit 4) the membership of a guild 5) naut. navig. a ship or other vessel 6) naut.… …   From formal English to slang

  • craft — Generally, any boat, ship or vessel. A trade or occupation of the sort requiring skill and training, particularly manual skill combined with a knowledge of the principles of the art. Also the body of persons pursuing such a calling; a guild.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • craft — Generally, any boat, ship or vessel. A trade or occupation of the sort requiring skill and training, particularly manual skill combined with a knowledge of the principles of the art. Also the body of persons pursuing such a calling; a guild.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • craft — Synonyms and related words: Italian hand, ability, acuteness, address, adeptness, adroitness, aeroplane, aircraft, airmanship, animal cunning, argosy, art, artful dodge, artfulness, artifice, artisan work, artisanship, artistry, astuteness, bark …   Moby Thesaurus

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