- mansard
- ˈmænsɑ:d сущ.;
архит. мансардная крыша;
мансарда (архитектура) мансардная крыша (обыкн. * roof) мансарда mansard архит. мансардная крыша;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
mansard — UK [ˈmænsɑː(r)d] / US [ˈmænˌsɑrd] or mansard roof UK / US noun [countable] Word forms mansard : singular mansard plural mansards Word forms mansard roof : singular mansard roof plural mansard roofs a roof that slopes at a steeper angle at the… … English dictionary
mansard — ● mansard ou mansart nom masculin Autre nom du pigeon ramier. mansard ou mansart [mɑ̃saʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1549, mansard; coulon manssart, 1420; orig. obscure, p. ê. du lat. médiéval mansa. ❖ ♦ Régional. Pigeon ramier … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mansard — (spr. Mangsahr), 1) François, geb. 1598 in Paris u. starb daselbst 1666 als erster königlicher Baumeister. Viele Gebäude von ihm schmücken Paris, die Umgebung u. die Provinzen. An der Vollendung der Kirche Val de Grâce 1645 hinderten ihn seine… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Mansard — (Mangsahr), Jules Hardouin, franz. Baumeister unter Ludwig XIV., geb. 1615 zu Paris, ward zuletzt Generaldirector der königl. Bauten und st. 1708 zu Marly. Seine vorzüglichsten Bauten sind das Schloß in Versailles, der Dom der Invaliden, die… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
mansard — ou mansart (man sar) s. m. Nom vulgaire du pigeon ramier … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
mansard — 1734, from Fr. mansarde, short for toit à la mansarde, a corrupt spelling, named for French architect Nicholas François Mansart (1598 1666), who made use of them … Etymology dictionary
mansard — ► NOUN ▪ a roof having four sides, in each of which the lower part of the slope is steeper than the upper part. ORIGIN named after the 17th century French architect François Mansart … English terms dictionary
Mansard — A mansard roof, instead of forming an inverted V, has rafters that are broken up and the lower slope is almost perpendicular, the upper more nearly flat; thus it has a double slope on each side. The roof allows for high rooms and useful space… … Dictionary of eponyms
mansard — man|sard [ˈmænsa:d US a:rd] n also mansard roof technical [Date: 1700 1800; : French; Origin: mansarde, from François Mansard (1598 1666), French architect] a roof whose lower part slopes more steeply than its upper part … Dictionary of contemporary English
mansard — /man sahrd, seuhrd/, n. 1. Also called mansard roof. a hip roof, each face of which has a steeper lower part and a shallower upper part. See illus. under roof. Cf. French roof. 2. the story under such a roof. [1725 35; < F mansarde, named after N … Universalium
mansard — 1. adjective having two slopes on each side, the lower being steeper than the upper 2. noun a) A mansard roof b) The upper … Wiktionary