- manipulatable
- Manipulatable
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
manipulatable — yəˌlād.əbəl adjective : capable of being manipulated manipulatable variables S.C.Dodd … Useful english dictionary
manipulatable — adjective see manipulate … New Collegiate Dictionary
manipulatable — See manipulate. * * * … Universalium
manipulatable — adjective Capable of being manipulated … Wiktionary
manipulatable — mÉ™ nɪpjÉ™leɪtÉ™bl / jÊŠl adj. able to be manipulated; able to be controlled or operated with the hands; able to be influenced or controlled … English contemporary dictionary
manipulatable — ma·nip·u·lat·able … English syllables
manipulate — manipulatable, adj. manipulative /meuh nip yeuh lay tiv, yeuh leuh tiv/, adj. manipulatively, adv. manipulatory /meuh nip yeuh leuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. /meuh nip yeuh layt /, v.t., manipulated, manipulating. 1. to manage or influence skil … Universalium
manipulate — transitive verb ( lated; lating) Etymology: back formation from manipulation, from French, from manipuler to handle an apparatus in chemistry, ultimately from Latin manipulus Date: 1834 1. to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by… … New Collegiate Dictionary
History of the graphical user interface — The graphical user interface, understood as the use of graphic icons and a pointing device to control a computer, has over the last four decades a steady history of incremental refinements built on some constant core principles. Several vendors… … Wikipedia
Tactical voting — In voting systems, tactical voting (or strategic voting or sophisticated voting) occurs when a voter supports a candidate other than his or her sincere preference in order to prevent an undesirable outcome. It has been shown by the Gibbard… … Wikipedia
Frog — For other uses, see Frog (disambiguation). Frogs Temporal range: Triassic–present … Wikipedia