Maniple — • An ornamental vestment in the form of a band, a little over a yard long and from somewhat over two to almost four inches wide, which is placed on the left arm in such manner that it falls in equal length on both sides of the arm Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Maniple — may refer to: Maniple (military unit), a division of a Roman legion Maniple (vestment), a liturgical vestment worn on the left arm. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal … Wikipedia
Maniple — Man i*ple, n. [L. manipulus, maniplus, a handful, a certain number of soldiers; manus hand + root of plere to fill, plenus full: cf. F. maniple. See {Manual}, and {Full}, a.] 1. A handful. [R.] B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 2. A division of the Roman … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
maniple — [man′ə pəl] n. [L manipulus, orig., a handful, bundle < manus, a hand (see MANUAL) + base of plere, to fill: from use of bundles of hay as standards of the maniples] 1. a subdivision of the ancient Roman legion; one third of a cohort,… … English World dictionary
maniple — /man euh peuhl/, n. 1. (in ancient Rome) a subdivision of a legion, consisting of 60 or 120 men. 2. Eccles. one of the Eucharistic vestments, consisting of an ornamental band or strip worn on the left arm near the wrist. See illus. under chasuble … Universalium
maniple — [ manɪp(ə)l] noun 1》 a subdivision of a Roman legion, containing either 120 or 60 men. 2》 (in church use) a vestment formerly worn by a priest celebrating the Eucharist, consisting of a strip hanging from the left arm. Derivatives manipular… … English new terms dictionary
maniple — n. 1 Rom.Hist. a subdivision of a legion, containing 120 or 60 men. 2 a Eucharistic vestment consisting of a strip hanging from the left arm. Etymology: OF maniple or L manipulus handful, troop f. manus hand … Useful english dictionary
Maniple (vestment) — The maniple, seen here embroidered with a Cross, is worn on the arm by a priest celebrating Mass. For the Roman military unit, see Maniple (military unit). The maniple is a liturgical vestment used primarily within the Catholic Church, and… … Wikipedia
Maniple (military unit) — This article is about the Roman military formation. For the liturgical garment, see Maniple (vestment). This article is part of the series on: Military of ancient Rome (portal) 753 BC – AD 476 Structural history … Wikipedia
maniple — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin manipulus, from Latin, handful, from manus hand + pulus (perhaps akin to Latin plēre to fill); from its having been originally held in the hand more at manual, full Date: 15th century 1. a long… … New Collegiate Dictionary
maniple — noun /ˈmænɪpəl/ a) A handful. b) A division of the Roman army numbering 60 or 120 men exclusive of officers, any small body of soldiers; a company. See Also: alb, epigonation, epimanikion, epitrachelion … Wiktionary