- manifold morphism
- мат. морфизм многообразия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Étale morphism — In algebraic geometry, a field of mathematics, an étale morphism (pronunciation IPA|) is an algebraic analogue of the notion of a local isomorphism in the complex analytic topology. They satisfy the hypotheses of the implicit function theorem,… … Wikipedia
Sheaf (mathematics) — This article is about sheaves on topological spaces. For sheaves on a site see Grothendieck topology and Topos. In mathematics, a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking locally defined data attached to the open sets of a topological space.… … Wikipedia
Grothendieck topology — In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C which makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space. A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology is called a … Wikipedia
Vector bundle — The Möbius strip is a line bundle over the 1 sphere S1. Locally around every point in S1, it looks like U × R, but the total bundle is different from S1 × R (which is a cylinder instead). In mathematics, a vector bundle is a… … Wikipedia
Lie groupoid — In mathematics, a Lie groupoid is a groupoid where the set Ob of objects and the set Mor of morphisms are both manifolds, the source and target operations:s,t : Mor o Ob are submersions, and all the category operations (source and target,… … Wikipedia
Blowing up — This article is about the mathematical concept of blowing up. For information about the physical/chemical process, see Explosion. For other uses of Blow up , see Blow up (disambiguation). Blowup of the affine plane. In mathematics, blowing up or… … Wikipedia
Banach bundle — In mathematics, a Banach bundle is a vector bundle each of whose fibres is a Banach space, i.e. a complete normed vector space, possibly of infinite dimension.Definition of a Banach bundleLet M be a Banach manifold of class C p with p ≥ 0, called … Wikipedia
Hilbert scheme — In algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a Hilbert scheme is a scheme that is the parameter space for the closed subschemes of some projective space (or a more general scheme), refining the Chow variety. The Hilbert scheme is a disjoint… … Wikipedia
Coherent sheaf — In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, coherent sheaves are a specific class of sheaves having particularly manageable properties closely linked to the geometrical properties of the underlying space … Wikipedia
Functor — For functors as a synonym of function objects in computer programming to pass function pointers along with its state, see function object. For the use of the functor morphism presented here in functional programming see also the fmap function of… … Wikipedia
Ample line bundle — In algebraic geometry, a very ample line bundle is one with enough global sections to set up an embedding of its base variety or manifold M into projective space. An ample line bundle is one such that some positive power is very ample. Globally… … Wikipedia