manifold chart

manifold chart
мат. карта многообразия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "manifold chart" в других словарях:

  • Manifold — For other uses, see Manifold (disambiguation). The sphere (surface of a ball) is a two dimensional manifold since it can be represented by a collection of two dimensional maps. In mathematics (specifically in differential geometry and topology),… …   Wikipedia

  • chart — 1. noun a) A map for a very particular purpose, such as shipping or aeroplanes/airplanes, showing information useful for that purpose and ignoring most other information. b) A subspace of a manifold used as part of an atlas 2. verb …   Wiktionary

  • Differentiable manifold — A nondifferentiable atlas of charts for the globe. The results of calculus may not be compatible between charts if the atlas is not differentiable. In the middle chart the Tropic of Cancer is a smooth curve, whereas in the first it has a sharp… …   Wikipedia

  • Banach manifold — In mathematics, a Banach manifold is a manifold modeled on Banach spaces. Thus it is a topological space in which each point has a neighbourhood homeomorphic to an open set in a Banach space (a more involved and formal definition is given below) …   Wikipedia

  • Topological manifold — In mathematics, a topological manifold is a Hausdorff topological space which looks locally like Euclidean space in a sense defined below. Topological manifolds form an important class of topological spaces with applications throughout… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex manifold — In differential geometry, a complex manifold is a manifold with an atlas of charts to the open unit disk[1] in Cn, such that the transition maps are holomorphic. The term complex manifold is variously used to mean a complex manifold in the sense… …   Wikipedia

  • Piecewise linear manifold — In mathematics, a piecewise linear (PL) manifold is a topological manifold together with a piecewise linear structure on it. Such a structure can be defined by means of an atlas, such that one can pass from chart to chart in it by piecewise… …   Wikipedia

  • Hilbert manifold — In mathematics, a Hilbert manifold is a manifold modeled on Hilbert spaces. Thus it is a separable Hausdorff space in which each point has a neighbourhood homeomorphic to an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. The concept of a Hilbert manifold… …   Wikipedia

  • Fréchet manifold — In mathematics, in particular in nonlinear analysis, a Fréchet manifold is a topological space modeled on a Fréchet space in much the same way as a manifold is modeled on a Euclidean space.More precisely, a Fréchet manifold consists of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Density on a manifold — In mathematics, and specifically differential geometry, a density is a spatially varying quantity on a differentiable manifold which can be integrated in an intrinsic manner. Abstractly, a density is a section of a certain trivial line bundle,… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbifold — This terminology should not be blamed on me. It was obtained by a democratic process in my course of 1976 77. An orbifold is something with many folds; unfortunately, the word “manifold” already has a different definition. I tried “foldamani”,… …   Wikipedia

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