
mænˈdeɪməs сущ.;
юр. приказ низшей инстанции, низшему должностному лицу (юридическое) судебный приказ нижестоящему суду или должностному лицу отдавать распоряжение, приказ, предписывать (нижестоящему суду) mandamus юр. приказ высшей судебной инстанции низшей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mandamus" в других словарях:

  • mandamus — man·da·mus /man dā məs/ n [Latin, we enjoin, from mandare to enjoin]: an extraordinary writ issued by a court of competent jurisdiction to an inferior tribunal, a public official, an administrative agency, a corporation, or any person compelling… …   Law dictionary

  • Mandamus — (lat. wir ordnen an) ist ein Rechtsterminus, der eine gerichtliche Entscheidung in der Nebensache bezeichnet, also jede, meistens an einen Dritten oder an eine staatliche Stelle gerichtete Anordnung oder Verfügung, die kein Endurteil im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mandamus — (lat. wir ordnen an) ist ein Rechtsterminus, der eine gerichtliche Entscheidung in der Nebensache bezeichnet, also jede, meistens an einen Dritten oder an eine staatliche Stelle gerichtete Anordnung oder Verfügung, die kein Endurteil im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mandamus — UK US /mænˈdeɪməs/ noun [C] (plural mandamuses) ► LAW an official order from a court of law stating that a person or organization must do a particular thing: »A court may issue a writ of mandamus to force a public official to perform a mandated… …   Financial and business terms

  • Mandamus — Man*da mus, n. [L., we command, fr. mandare to command.] (Law) A writ issued by a superior court and directed to some inferior tribunal, or to some corporation or person exercising authority, commanding the performance of some specified duty.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mandāmus — (lat., »wir verordnen«), Bezeichnung für einen Befehl (injunction) des englischen Oberhofgerichts …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • mandamus — 1530s, writ from a superior court to an inferior one, specifying that something be done, (late 14c. in Anglo French), from Latin, lit. we order, first person plural pres. indicative of mandare to order (see MANDATE (Cf. mandate) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • mandamus — [man dā′məs] n. [L, we command, 1st pers. pl., pres. indic., of mandare: see MANDATE] Law a writ commanding that a specified thing be done, issued by a higher court to a lower one, or to a private or municipal corporation, government agency,… …   English World dictionary

  • Mandamus — For other uses, see Mandamus (disambiguation). Prerogative writs …   Wikipedia

  • mandamus — /maendeymas/ We command. This is the name of a writ (formerly a high prerogative writ) which issues from a court of superior jurisdiction, and is directed to a private or municipal corporation, or any of its officers, or to an executive,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • mandamus — /maendeymas/ We command. This is the name of a writ (formerly a high prerogative writ) which issues from a court of superior jurisdiction, and is directed to a private or municipal corporation, or any of its officers, or to an executive,… …   Black's law dictionary

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