- man-like
- человекообразный, человекоподобный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Man Like Me — Studio album by Bobby Pinson Released May 17, 2005 … Wikipedia
man-like — also manlike, mid 15c., from MAN (Cf. man) (n.) + LIKE (Cf. like) (adj.) … Etymology dictionary
man|like — «MAN LYK», adjective. 1. like a man: »Under his forming hands a creature grew, Manlike, but different sex (Milton). 2. suitable for a man: »From long association with men she had learnt a manlike reticence (H. S. Merriman) … Useful english dictionary
man-like — manˈ like adjective Having the appearance or qualities of a human being or of an adult human male adverb 1. In the manner of a man 2. In a way that might be expected of a man 3. Manfully • • • Main Entry: ↑man … Useful english dictionary
A Man Like Me — Directed by Róbert I. Douglas Produced by Júlíus Kemp Written by Árni Ásgeirsson Róbert I. Douglas Starring Jón Gnarr Stephan … Wikipedia
hu´man|like´ — hu|man «HYOO muhn», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of persons; that people have: »Kindness is a human trait. No life that breathes with human breath Has ever truly longed for death (Tennyson). 2. being a person or persons; having the form or qualities … Useful english dictionary
un|man|like — «uhn MAN LYK», adjective. 1. unlike man in form or appearance. 2. unbecoming a man as a member of the human race; inhuman; brutal. 3. unsuitable to a man; effeminate; childish … Useful english dictionary
church´man|like´ — church|man «CHURCH muhn», noun, plural men. 1. a clergyman; ecclesiastic. 2. a member of a church, especially one active in church affairs. 3. Also, Churchman. a member of the Established Church in a particular country. –church´man|like´,… … Useful english dictionary
crafts´man|like´ — crafts|man «KRAFTS muhn, KRAHFTS », noun, plural men. 1. a skilled workman; artisan: »The master carpenter was a real craftsman. 2. an artist or professional whose work shows technical skill but not necessarily of aesthetic merit.… … Useful english dictionary
sea|man|like — «SEE muhn LYK», adjective, adverb. –adj. like a seaman; having or showing the skill of a good seaman: »seamanlike skill in tying knots. Seamanlike precautions were taken to safeguard the lives of passengers. –adv. in a seamanlike manner … Useful english dictionary
sports|man|like — «SPRTS muhn LYK, SPOHRTS », adjective. like or suitable for a sportsman; fair, honorable … Useful english dictionary