man of horseback
Смотреть что такое "man of horseback" в других словарях:
Man on Horseback — German poster Directed by Volker Schlöndorff Produced by … Wikipedia
man on horseback — n. a military man with such influence and power over the people as to be, or seem to be, able to seize control and rule as a dictator … English World dictionary
man on horseback — Etymology: after the Man on Horseback, nickname of Georges E. J. M. Boulanger died 1891 French chauvinistic general and demagogue; from his frequent appearance before the Paris crowds mounted on a black horse 1. : a man typically a military… … Useful english dictionary
man on horseback — man′ on horse′back n. 1) a military leader who has the potential to become dictator 2) dictator 1) … From formal English to slang
man on horseback — Date: 1860 1. a usually military figure whose ambitions and popularity mark him as a potential dictator 2. dictator … New Collegiate Dictionary
man on horseback — 1. a military leader who presents himself as the savior of the country during a period of crisis and either assumes or threatens to assume dictatorial powers. 2. any dictator. * * * … Universalium
man on horseback — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun An absolute ruler, especially one who is harsh and oppressive: Big Brother, despot, dictator, fuhrer, oppressor, strongman, totalitarian, tyrant. See OVER … English dictionary for students
Man on Horseback — General Georges Boulanger … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
man — n. 1) an average; fat; grown; handsome; middle aged; old; short; tall; thin; ugly; wise; young man 2) Cro Magnon; Heidelberg; Java; Neanderthal; Paleolithic; Peking; Piltdown man 3) a divorced; family; married; single man 4) a con, confidence;… … Combinatory dictionary
man-at-arms — [man′at ärmz′] n. pl. men at arms [men′ət ärmz′] former a soldier; esp., a heavily armed medieval soldier on horseback … English World dictionary
man-at-arms — /man euht ahrmz /, n., pl. men at arms. 1. a soldier. 2. a heavily armed soldier on horseback, esp. in medieval times. [1325 75; ME] * * * … Universalium