- mammiform
1) сосковидный
2) соскообразный
3) сосцевидный имеющий форму грудной железы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Mammiform — Mam mi*form, a. [Mamma breast + form: cf. F. mammiforme.] Having the form of a mamma (breast) or mamm[ae]. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mammiform — adjective Shaped like a breast … Wiktionary
mammiform — Resembling a breast; breast shaped. SYN: mammose (1). [L. mamma, breast, + forma, form] * * * mam·mi·form mam ə .fȯrm adj having the form of a breast or nipple: MAMMILLARY * * * mam·mi·form (mamґĭ form) [mammo + form] shaped like a breast … Medical dictionary
mammiform — shaped like a breast Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary
mammiform — adj. shaped like a mamma or breast … English contemporary dictionary
mammiform — mam·mi·form … English syllables
mammiform — ˈmaməˌfȯrm adjective Etymology: Latin mamma breast + English iform : having the form of a breast or nipple : mammillary … Useful english dictionary
Maya ceramics — Painting on the Lord of the jaguar pelt throne vase, a scene of the Maya court, 700 800 AD Maya ceramics are important in the study of the Pre Columbian Maya culture of Mesoamerica. Through the years, the vessels took on different shapes, colors … Wikipedia
Laccolite — Lac co*lite, Laccolith Lac co*lith, n. [Gr. ? a cistern + lite, lith.] (Geol.) A mass of igneous rock intruded between sedimentary beds and resulting in a mammiform bulging of the overlying strata. {Lac co*lit ic}, a. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Laccolith — Laccolite Lac co*lite, Laccolith Lac co*lith, n. [Gr. ? a cistern + lite, lith.] (Geol.) A mass of igneous rock intruded between sedimentary beds and resulting in a mammiform bulging of the overlying strata. {Lac co*lit ic}, a. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Laccolitic — Laccolite Lac co*lite, Laccolith Lac co*lith, n. [Gr. ? a cistern + lite, lith.] (Geol.) A mass of igneous rock intruded between sedimentary beds and resulting in a mammiform bulging of the overlying strata. {Lac co*lit ic}, a. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English