mammary glands

mammary glands
молочные железы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mammary glands" в других словарях:

  • Mammary gland — in a human female Cross section of the breast of a human female …   Wikipedia

  • mammary ridge — n either of a pair of longitudinal ectodermal thickenings in the mammalian embryo that extend from the base of the anterior to the posterior limb buds and are the source of the mammary glands called also milk line * * * a ridge of thickened… …   Medical dictionary

  • Mammary gland development — is characterized by the unique process by which the epithelium invades the stroma. The development of the mammary gland occurs mainly after birth. During puberty, tubule formation is coupled with branching morphogenesis which establishes the… …   Wikipedia

  • mammary gland — any of the compound accessory reproductive organs of female mammals that occur in pairs on the chest or ventral surface and contain milk producing lobes with ducts that empty into an external nipple, becoming functional when young are born and… …   Universalium

  • Mammary gland — One of the two half moon shaped glands on either side of the adult female chest, which with fatty tissue and the nipple make up the breast. Within each mammary gland is a network of sacs that produce milk during lactation and send it to the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Mammary tumor — For mammary tumors in humans, see breast cancer. A mammary tumor is a tumor originating in the mammary gland. It is a common finding in older female dogs and cats that are not spayed, but they are found in other animals as well. The mammary… …   Wikipedia

  • mammary gland — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms mammary gland : singular mammary gland plural mammary glands medical an organ in a woman s breast that produces milk, or the similar organ in a female animal …   English dictionary

  • mammary — [[t]mæ̱məri[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Mammary means relating to the breasts. [TECHNICAL] This stimulates the mammary glands after childbirth to produce milk …   English dictionary

  • mammary cycle — the rhythmic growth of mammary glands after menarche occurring in coordination with the ovarian cycle …   Medical dictionary

  • mammary — mam•ma•ry [[t]ˈmæm ə ri[/t]] adj. anat. of or pertaining to mammae or mammary glands • Etymology: 1675–85 …   From formal English to slang

  • mammary ridge — noun : either of a pair of longitudinal ectodermal thickenings in the mammalian embryo that extend from the base of the anterior to the posterior limb buds and are the source of the mammary glands called also milk line …   Useful english dictionary

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