- malts
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
malts — mÉ”Ëlt n. barley or other grain that has been allowed to sprout in preparation for brewing; alcoholic beverage made from malt v. cause grain to become malt by soaking it in water until it sprouts; treat or combine with malt; make an alcoholic… … English contemporary dictionary
malts — plural of malt present third singular of malt … Useful english dictionary
Classic Malts — Die Classic Malts sind elf (ursprünglich sechs) schottische Single Malt Whiskys, die vom Spirituosenkonzern Diageo (ehemals United Distillers) gemeinsam vermarktet werden. Die 1987 ins Leben gerufene Serie erhebt den Anspruch, die komplette… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Classic Malts of Scotland — The Classic Malts of Scotland is a selection of six single malt whiskies, launched and marketed together in 1988 by United Distillers and Vintners which is now owned by Diageo. They are often displayed together in bars and liquor stores, and the… … Wikipedia
Highland Single Malts — are single malt Scotch whiskies produced in the Highland region of Scotland. This categorization includes the whiskies produced on the islands around the perimeter of Scotland (the Island Single Malts), except for Islay (see Islay whisky).List of … Wikipedia
Lowland Single Malts — are single malt whiskies distilled in the lowlands of Scotland. The region, once having a number of whisky producers, now only has three operating distilleries: Glenkinchie, near Edinburgh; Auchentoshan, near Clydebank; and Bladnoch in Galloway.… … Wikipedia
Bed & Breakfast Hotel Malts — (Гарлем,Нидерланды) Категория отеля: Адрес: Zijlstraat 56 58, 2011 TP Г … Каталог отелей
Speyside Single Malts — are single malt Scotch whiskies, distilled in Strathspey, the area around the River Spey in Moray and Badenoch and Strathspey, in northeastern Scotland. With so many whiskies, there are few similarities across the region,Fact|date=October 2007… … Wikipedia
Island Single Malts — Whisky producing regions of Scotland Island Single Malts is a general term for single malt Scotch whiskies produced on the islands around the perimeter of the Scottish mainland. The exception is Islay, which is considered a separate whisky… … Wikipedia
Classic Malts of Scotland — Les Classic Malts of Scotland sont une sélection de onze whiskies single malt écossais appartenant au groupe Diageo et choisis pour représenter au mieux la qualité et la diversité des scotchs produits dans les différentes régions de l Écosse. Ils … Wikipédia en Français
Campbeltown Single Malts — are single malt Scotch whiskies distilled in the burgh of Campbeltown, Scotland, on the Kintyre peninsula. Once a major producer of whisky with as many as 28 distilleries, and claiming the title whisky capital of the world , the area has since… … Wikipedia