malfunction criticality

malfunction criticality
степень опасности вследствие неправильного срабатывания

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "malfunction criticality" в других словарях:

  • Nuclear and radiation accidents — This article is about nuclear and radiation accidents in general. For a list of military nuclear accidents, see List of military nuclear accidents. For a list of civilian nuclear accidents, see List of civilian nuclear accidents. For a discussion …   Wikipedia

  • List of civilian nuclear accidents — This article lists notable civilian accidents involving nuclear material. Military accidents are listed at List of military nuclear accidents. Civil radiation accidents not involving fissile material are listed at List of civilian radiation… …   Wikipedia

  • Space Shuttle Challenger disaster — For more information about the final mission and crew of the Challenger, see STS 51 L. Space Shuttle Challenger s smoke plume after the in flight breakup that killed all seven crew members …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear safety in the United States — Nuclear safety in the U.S. is governed by federal regulations and continues to be studied by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The safety of nuclear plants and materials controlled by the U.S. government for research and weapons production …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear power accidents by country — The abandoned city of Pripyat, Ukraine with the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the distance. 57 accidents have occurred since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Two thirds of these mishaps occurred in the US.[1] The French Atomic Energy Agency… …   Wikipedia

  • Millstone Nuclear Power Plant — Millstone Nuclear Power Plant …   Wikipedia

  • List of unusual deaths — This article provides a list of unusual deaths ndash; unique or extremely rare circumstances ndash; recorded throughout history. The list also includes less rare, but still unusual, deaths of prominent people.Antiquity Note: Many of these stories …   Wikipedia

  • Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant — The Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant …   Wikipedia

  • Space Shuttle Challenger launch decision — The Space Shuttle Challenger launch decision was the decision making process that led to the launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986 despite inclement weather conditions and the warnings of many engineers working both for NASA… …   Wikipedia

  • Power outage — A power outage (also known as power cut , power failure , power loss , or blackout ) is the loss of the electricity supply to an area.The reasons for a power failure can for instance be a defect in a power station, damage to a power line or other …   Wikipedia

  • Data center — An operation engineer overseeing a Network Operations Control Room of a data center. A data center (or data centre or datacentre or datacenter) is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and …   Wikipedia

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