- make up schedule
- составить график, расписание
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
schedule — [ske′jool, ske′jooəl; ] Brit & often Cdn [ shej′ool, shed′yool] n. [altered (infl. by LL) < ME sedule < OFr cedule < LL schedula, dim. of L scheda, a strip of papyrus < Gr schidē, splinter of wood, split piece < schizein, to split … English World dictionary
schedule — /ˈʃɛdʒul / (say shejoohl), /ˈskɛdʒul / (say skejoohl) noun 1. a plan of procedure for a specified project with reference to sequence of operations, time allotted for each part, etc.: the proposed schedule allows four weeks for the completion of… …
schedule — n. & v. n. 1 a a list or plan of intended events, times, etc. b a plan of work (not on my schedule for next week). 2 a list of rates or prices. 3 US a timetable. 4 a tabulated inventory etc. esp. as an appendix to a document. v.tr. 1 include in a … Useful english dictionary
schedule — schedular, adj. scheduler, n. /skej oohl, ool, ooh euhl/; Brit. /shed yoohl, shej oohl/, n., v., scheduled, scheduling. n. 1. a plan of procedure, usually written, for a proposed objective, esp. with reference to the sequence of and time allotted … Universalium
schedule — sched•ule [[t]ˈskɛdʒ ul, ʊl, u əl[/t]] brit. [[t]ˈʃɛd yul, ˈʃɛdʒ ul[/t]] n. v. uled, ul•ing 1) a plan of procedure, usu. written, for a proposed objective, esp. with reference to the sequence of events and the time allotted for each: They… … From formal English to slang
schedule — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin scedula slip, page, charter, from Late Latin schedula slip of paper, diminutive of Latin *scheda strip of papyrus, probably back formation from Latin schedium impromptu speech, from Greek… … New Collegiate Dictionary
schedule — sched·ule || skedÊ’ÊŠl / ʃedjuËl n. timetable, agenda, itinerary; plan, scheme v. make a schedule, create a timetable; enter into a timetable; plan for a certain date … English contemporary dictionary
Make Me Rich — is a Michigan Lottery game show filmed in Detroit, hosted by Brady Bunch star Christopher Knight and co hosted by Beth McLeod. The show is produced by Jonathan Goodson. Unlike other lottery game shows, the program airs on a quarterly schedule… … Wikipedia
schedule — n. 1) to draw up, make out, make up, plan a schedule 2) a fixed; flexible; full; heavy; rigid; rotating schedule 3) (esp. AE) an airline; bus; train schedule (BE prefers timetable) 4) a production schedule 5) a schedule for 6) according to, on;… … Combinatory dictionary
schedule — n 1. timetable, train or bus or flight schedule; agenda, program, plan, itinerary, Sl. sked; syllabus, outline; list, listing, slate, record, register, U.S. docket; calendar, social calendar, list of appointments. v 2. make up or out a schedule,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
schedule — 01. The plane is about an hour behind [schedule] due to poor weather. 02. Final exams have now been [scheduled] for the last week of June. 03. The plane had to make an [unscheduled] stop in Santa Fe when a passenger had a heart attack. 04. I… … Grammatical examples in English