make up day
Смотреть что такое "make up day" в других словарях:
make a day of it — phrase to spend the whole day, instead of just part of it, doing something enjoyable Why don’t we make a day of it and stop for lunch on the way? Thesaurus: to enjoy something, or to enjoy yourselfsynonym Main entry: day * * * make a day (or… … Useful english dictionary
make a day of it — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something all day. * /When they go to the beach they take a picnic lunch and make a day of it./ Compare: MAKE A NIGHT OF … Dictionary of American idioms
make a day of it — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something all day. * /When they go to the beach they take a picnic lunch and make a day of it./ Compare: MAKE A NIGHT OF … Dictionary of American idioms
make your day — make (your) day to make someone happy. Go on, tell him you like his jacket. It ll make his day! Peter s letter really made my day … New idioms dictionary
make my day — make me happy by trying to do that. You want to fight? Go ahead, make my day. Usage notes: used as a humorous way to show that the person you are speaking to knows it would be a big mistake to make your day … New idioms dictionary
make a day of it — make a [day/night/weekend etc.] of it to spend a whole day, night, weekend, etc. somewhere, instead of only a short time, so that you can enjoy it more. We decided to go on to a club after the show and really make a night of it … New idioms dictionary
make my day — If something makes your day, it satisfies you or makes you happy … The small dictionary of idiomes
make your day — If something makes your day, it pleases you or makes you very happy … The small dictionary of idiomes
make my day — spoken phrase used for warning someone that if they do something, you will enjoy stopping, defeating, or punishing them Thesaurus: ways of warning or advising someonesynonym Main entry: day … Useful english dictionary
Make My Day — For a list of states that recognize the legal theory of self defense in the home, see Make My Day State. For the film character quotation by Clint Eastwood, see Go ahead, make my day. For the debut single by Yui Aragaki, see Make My Day (Yui… … Wikipedia
make\ a\ day\ of\ it — v. phr. informal To do something all day. When they go to the beach they take a picnic lunch and make a day of it. Compare: make a night of it … Словарь американских идиом