make the fur fly — or[make the feathers fly] {v. phr.}, {informal} Say or write mean things about someone or to jump on and fight hard. * /A man fooled Mr. Black and got his money. Mr. Black will really make the fur fly when he finds the man./ * /Mrs. Baker s dog… … Dictionary of American idioms
make the fur fly — or[make the feathers fly] {v. phr.}, {informal} Say or write mean things about someone or to jump on and fight hard. * /A man fooled Mr. Black and got his money. Mr. Black will really make the fur fly when he finds the man./ * /Mrs. Baker s dog… … Dictionary of American idioms
make\ the\ fur\ fly — • make the fur fly • make the feathers fly v. phr. informal Say or write mean things about someone or to jump on and fight hard. A man fooled Mr. Black and got his money. Mr. Black will really make the fur fly when he finds the man. Mrs. Baker s… … Словарь американских идиом
make the feathers fly — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To enjoy working; be strong and work hard. * /When Mrs. Hale did her spring cleaning she made the feathers fly./ 2. See: MAKE THE FUR FLY … Dictionary of American idioms
make the feathers fly — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To enjoy working; be strong and work hard. * /When Mrs. Hale did her spring cleaning she made the feathers fly./ 2. See: MAKE THE FUR FLY … Dictionary of American idioms
make\ the\ feathers\ fly — v. phr. informal 1. To enjoy working; be strong and work hard. When Mrs. Hale did her spring cleaning she made the feathers fly. 2. See: make the fur fly … Словарь американских идиом
make the fur fly — idi a) to cause a disturbance b) to do something quickly … From formal English to slang
make the fur fly — phrasal 1. : to take part in a cat and dog fight 2. : to cause a lively disturbance 3. : to hustle about in doing a temporary job (as cleaning a room) * * * informal cause serious, perhaps violent, trouble … Useful english dictionary
make the fur or feathers fly — Quarrel. [Emph.] … A concise dictionary of English slang
fur — fur1 [fʉr] n. [ME furre, prob. contr. < furrure, fur lining or blanket OFr fourrure < fuerre, sheath, lining < Frank * fodr, akin to Ger futter < IE base * po , to tend flocks, cover, protect > Gr poimēn, Sans pālá , shepherd] 1.… … English World dictionary
fur — furless, adj. /ferr/, n., adj., v., furred, furring. n. 1. the fine, soft, thick, hairy coat of the skin of a mammal. 2. the skin of certain animals, as the sable, ermine, or beaver, covered with such a coat, used for lining, trimming, or making… … Universalium