make over

make over

1) передавать;
жертвовать He made over his house for use as a hospital in the war. ≈ Он отдал свой дом в распоряжение госпиталя на время войны.
2) подгонять, переделывать, переустраивать, реконструировать, перестраивать, переставлять, передвигать The garage has been made over into a playroom. ≈ Гараж превратили в комнату для игр. Syn : rearrange, alter, recondition, remodel, rework, unmake, adapt, customize (американизм) переделывать - this dress will have to be made over это платье придется переделать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "make over" в других словарях:

  • make over — index change, convert (change use), deliver, devolve, fix (repair), grant (transfer formally), present ( …   Law dictionary

  • make over — make something look different, change the style of We decided to make over our living room because we were tired of the old style …   Idioms and examples

  • make over — ► make over 1) transfer the possession of. 2) give (someone) a new image with cosmetics, hairstyling, and clothes. Main Entry: ↑make …   English terms dictionary

  • make over — verb 1. use again in altered form (Freq. 1) retread an old plot • Syn: ↑rework, ↑retread • Hypernyms: ↑work, ↑work on, ↑process …   Useful english dictionary

  • make over — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms make over : present tense I/you/we/they make over he/she/it makes over present participle making over past tense made over past participle made over 1) to officially make someone else the owner of something… …   English dictionary

  • make over — {v.} 1. To change by law something from one owner to another owner; change the name on the title (lawful paper) from one owner to another. * /Mr. Brown made over the title to the car to Mr. Jones./ 2. To make something look different; change the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make over — {v.} 1. To change by law something from one owner to another owner; change the name on the title (lawful paper) from one owner to another. * /Mr. Brown made over the title to the car to Mr. Jones./ 2. To make something look different; change the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make over — verb a) To renovate or to convert to a different use, particularly houses, offices, or rooms within them Were going to make over the garage into a guest suite. b) (of a person, particularly a woman) To create a new physical look, especially with… …   Wiktionary

  • make\ over — v 1. To change by law something from one owner to another owner; change the name on the title (lawful paper) from one owner to another. Mr. Brown made over the title to the car to Mr. Jones. 2. To make something look different; change the style… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • make·over — /ˈmeıkˌoʊvɚ/ noun, pl overs [count] : the act or process of making changes to improve the appearance or effectiveness of someone or something The actress had a complete makeover to turn her into a glamorous star. They gave their advertising a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • make-over — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: make over : something that is made over or made afresh: as a. : an altered or restyled garment b. : revised or fresh news copy for a new edition of a newspaper …   Useful english dictionary

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