make good cheer

make good cheer

1) веселиться
2) пировать, "тешить пузо"

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "make good cheer" в других словарях:

  • good cheer — 1. cheerful spirits; courage: to be of good cheer. 2. feasting and merrymaking: to make good cheer. 3. good food and drink: to be fond of good cheer. * * * good cheer, 1. feasting and merrymaking. 2. good food. 3. courage …   Useful english dictionary

  • good cheer — /gʊd ˈtʃɪə/ (say good chear) noun 1. cheerful spirits; courage: to be of good cheer. 2. feasting and merrymaking: to make good cheer. 3. good fare or food; feasting: to be fond of good cheer …  

  • good cheer — 1. cheerful spirits; courage: to be of good cheer. 2. feasting and merrymaking: to make good cheer. 3. good food and drink: to be fond of good cheer. * * * …   Universalium

  • cheer — [n1] happiness animation, buoyancy, cheerfulness, cheeriness, comfort, delight, encouragement, exuberance, gaiety, geniality, gladness, glee, good cheer, hilarity, hopefulness, jauntiness, jocundity, joy, joyousness, lightheartedness, liveliness …   New thesaurus

  • cheer — ► VERB 1) shout for joy or in praise or encouragement. 2) praise or encourage with shouts. 3) (cheer up) make or become less miserable. 4) give comfort or support to. ► NOUN 1) a shout of joy, encouragement, or praise …   English terms dictionary

  • cheer — cheerer, n. cheeringly, adv. /chear/, n. 1. a shout of encouragement, approval, congratulation, etc.: The cheers of the fans filled the stadium. 2. a set or traditional form of shout used by spectators to encourage or show enthusiasm for an… …   Universalium

  • cheer — cheer1 [tʃıə US tʃır] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: chere (expression on) the face , perhaps from Late Latin cara, from Greek kara head ] 1.) a shout of happiness, praise, approval, or encouragement ≠ ↑boo ▪ A great cheer went up from …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cheer — /tʃɪə / (say chear) noun 1. a shout of encouragement, approval, congratulation, etc. 2. that which gives joy or gladness; encouragement; comfort: the rain has brought some cheer to the farmers. 3. Obsolete expression of countenance: a smiling… …  

  • cheer — [[t]tʃɪər[/t]] n. 1) a shout of encouragement, approval, etc 2) a shout used by spectators to encourage an athletic team, contestant, etc 3) something that gives comfort or joy: words of cheer[/ex] 4) a state of feeling or spirits: Be of good… …   From formal English to slang

  • cheer — Synonyms and related words: abide by, accede, accept, acclaim, acclamation, acquiesce, acquiesce in, afford hope, agree, agree to, agree with, alleluia, animate, applaud, applause, assent, assure, augur well, bark, battle cry, bawl, bear up,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cheer — verb 1》 shout in praise, joy, or encouragement.     ↘praise or encourage with shouts. 2》 give comfort or support to.     ↘(cheer someone up or cheer up) make or become less miserable. noun 1》 a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy. 2》 (also… …   English new terms dictionary

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