make circuit
Смотреть что такое "make circuit" в других словарях:
make — make1 [māk] vt. made, making [ME maken < OE macian, akin to Ger machen < IE base * maĝ , to knead, press, stretch > MASON, Gr magis, kneaded mass, paste, dough, mageus, kneader] 1. to bring into being; specif., a) to form by shaping or… … English World dictionary
Circuit (film) — Circuit DVD cover Directed by Dirk Shafer Produced by Gregory Hinton Michael J. Roth Steven J. Wolfe … Wikipedia
Circuit MOM — Circuit MOM, aka Matthew Harvat, is a Chicago based gay performance artist , event producer, and DJ,[1] popular in the Circuit party scene of the late 90s and 2000s. Harvat is a leader in the Chicago gay community, helping through his celebrity… … Wikipedia
Circuit — Cir cuit, n. [F. circuit, fr. L. circuitus, fr. circuire or circumire to go around; circum around + ire to go.] 1. The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution; as, the periodical circuit of the earth round the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Circuit court — Circuit Cir cuit, n. [F. circuit, fr. L. circuitus, fr. circuire or circumire to go around; circum around + ire to go.] 1. The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution; as, the periodical circuit of the earth… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Circuit of action — Circuit Cir cuit, n. [F. circuit, fr. L. circuitus, fr. circuire or circumire to go around; circum around + ire to go.] 1. The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution; as, the periodical circuit of the earth… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Circuit Showdown — Category Auto Racing Series Country or region Philippines Inaugural season 2010 Official website … Wikipedia
circuit — [sʉr′kit] n. [ME < OFr < L circuitus, a going around, circuit < circumire < circum (see CIRCUM ) + ire, to go: see YEAR] 1. the line or the length of the line forming the boundaries of an area 2. the area bounded 3. the act of going… … English World dictionary
Make and break — (Elec.) Any apparatus for making and breaking an electric circuit; a circuit breaker. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
make a circuit — index detour Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
make allowance for — make allowance(s) for 1) take into consideration when planning or making calculations a special circuit makes allowances for changes in the ambient temperature 2) regard or treat leniently on account of mitigating circumstances she liked them and … Useful english dictionary