make a turn

make a turn
выполнять разворот делать поворот

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "make a turn" в других словарях:

  • make someone turn over in his or her grave — idi make someone turn over in his or her grave, to do something that would have been unthinkably offensive to a specified person now dead …   From formal English to slang

  • make someone turn in their grave — do something that would shock a particular dead person if he was still alive …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Turn — (t[^u]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Turning}.] [OE. turnen, tournen, OF. tourner, torner, turner, F. tourner, LL. tornare, fr. L. tornare to turn in a lathe, to rounds off, fr. tornus a lathe, Gr. ? a turner s chisel, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • turn — [tʉrn] vt. [ME turnen < OE turnian & OFr turner, tourner, both < L tornare, to turn in a lathe, turn < tornus, lathe < Gr tornos, lathe, carpenter s compasses, akin to terein, to bore through: for IE base see THROW] I to cause to… …   English World dictionary

  • turn — [n1] revolution, curving about face, angle, bend, bias, bow, branch, change, changeabout, circle, circuit, circulation, circumvolution, corner, curve, cycle, departure, detour, deviation, direction, drift, flection, flexure, fork, gyration, gyre …   New thesaurus

  • turn in — make a turn into; go to bed; submit; deliver a criminal to the police …   English contemporary dictionary

  • turn — v 1. rotate, spin, revolve, Archaic. trundle; swivel, pivot, wheel, caracole; roll, rev, twirl, twiddle, crank; reel, circumvolve, circumrotate, gyre; gyrate, circle, whirl, circumduct; swirl, eddy, circulate, move in circles, go round; (of the… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • turn — /tɜn / (say tern) verb (t) 1. cause to move round on an axis or about a centre; rotate: to turn a wheel. 2. to cause to move round or partly round, as for the purpose of opening, closing, tightening, etc.: to turn a key. 3. to reverse the… …  

  • turn — turnable, adj. /terrn/, v.t. 1. to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel. 2. to cause to move around or partly around, as for the purpose of opening, closing, or tightening: to turn a key; to turn the cap of a …   Universalium

  • Turn on the haunches — The turn of the haunches is a lateral movement performed at the halt and walk, used in horse training. It requires the horse, while bent in the direction of the turn , to move his forehand around his hindquarters so that he makes a very small… …   Wikipedia

  • turn off — verb 1. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch (Freq. 8) Turn off the stereo, please cut the engine turn out the lights • Syn: ↑switch off, ↑cut, ↑turn out …   Useful english dictionary

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