make a proposition
Смотреть что такое "make a proposition" в других словарях:
make a proposition — index offer (propose) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
proposition — prop‧o‧si‧tion [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʆn ǁ ˌprɑː ] noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE a business idea, offer, or suggestion, for example a possible business deal: • I ll consider your proposition and let you know my decision next week. • We have a proposition to… … Financial and business terms
proposition — [präp΄ə zish′ən] n. [ME proposicioun < OFr proposition < L propositio < proponere: see PROPOSE] 1. the act of proposing 2. a) something proposed; proposal, plan ☆ b) Informal an unethical or immoral proposal, specif. one of illicit… … English World dictionary
make a move on — or put the moves on (slang, esp US) To make sexual advances to • • • Main Entry: ↑move * * * make a move on (or put the moves on) informal make a proposition to (someone), esp. of a sexual nature … Useful english dictionary
make a move on (or put the moves on) — informal make a proposition of a sexual nature to. → move … English new terms dictionary
make a move on — ► make a move on (or put the moves on) informal make a proposition of a sexual nature to. Main Entry: ↑move … English terms dictionary
Proposition 8 de Californie (2008) — Proposition 8 La Proposition 8, dite Prop 8, est un amendement à la constitution de l État de Californie qui rend inconstitutionnel les mariages entre homosexuels. La Proposition 8 ne concerne pas que la question de l égalité devant le mariage,… … Wikipédia en Français
make a pass at — MAKE (SEXUAL) ADVANCES TO, proposition; informal come on to, make a play for; N. Amer. informal hit on, make time with, put the make on. → pass * * * make a pass at 1. To aim a short blow at, especially ineffectually (informal) … Useful english dictionary
proposition — [n] suggestion; scheme hypothesis, invitation, motion, overture, plan, premise, presentation, proffer, program, project, proposal, recommendation; concepts 384,662 Ant. condemnation, denial, opposition, refusal, rejection proposition [v] make… … New thesaurus
proposition — ► NOUN 1) a statement expressing a judgement or opinion. 2) a proposed scheme or plan. 3) informal an offer of sexual intercourse. 4) a matter or person to be dealt with: it s a tough proposition. 5) Mathematics a formal statement of a theorem or … English terms dictionary
Proposition 8 — Manifestations d opposants et de partisans de la Proposition 8 devant la Cour suprême de Californie qui est en session le 5 mars 2009 pour donner une définition du mariage La Proposition 8, dite Prop 8 (en anglais proposition eight),… … Wikipédia en Français