make a point of ger.
Смотреть что такое "make a point of ger." в других словарях:
point — [point] n. [OFr, dot, prick < L punctum, dot, neut. of punctus, pp. of pungere, to prick (< IE base * peuĝ , *peuk̑, to prick, jab > Ger fichte, spruce tree, L pugil, boxer, pugnus, fist); also < OFr pointe, sharp end < ML puncta… … English World dictionary
ger-3 — ger 3 English meaning: to turn, wind Deutsche Übersetzung: “drehen, winden” Material: A. O.Ind. guṇá ḥ (*gr̥ nó s) “ the single thread of a string, line, cord; stain “ (dvi , tri guṇa actually “ consisting of two, three threads … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
make — make1 [māk] vt. made, making [ME maken < OE macian, akin to Ger machen < IE base * maĝ , to knead, press, stretch > MASON, Gr magis, kneaded mass, paste, dough, mageus, kneader] 1. to bring into being; specif., a) to form by shaping or… … English World dictionary
Ger Fennelly — Infobox GAA player code= Hurling sport = Hurling name = Ger Fennelly irish = Gearóid Ó Fionnalaigh fullname = Gerard Fennelly placeofbirth = Piltown countryofbirth = County Kilkenny dob = height = nickname = county = Kilkenny province = Leinster… … Wikipedia
Ger Loughnane — Infobox GAA player code= Hurling sport = Hurling name = Ger Loughnane irish = Gearóid Ó Lachtnáin fullname = Gerard Loughnane placeofbirth = Feakle countryofbirth = County Clare dob = height = nickname = county = Clare province = Munster club =… … Wikipedia
tag´ger — tag1 «tag», noun, verb, tagged, tag|ging. –n. 1. a card or small piece of paper, leather, or other material, to be tied or fastened to something, especially as a label: »Each coat in the store has a tag with the price on it. 2. a small hanging… … Useful english dictionary
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
reach — [rēch] vt. [ME rechen < OE ræcan, akin to Ger reichen < IE * rēiĝ , to stretch out, extend the hand, akin to base * reĝ , straight, stretch, direct > RIGHT] 1. to thrust out or extend (the hand, etc.) 2. to extend to, or touch, by… … English World dictionary
Archery at the 2004 Summer Olympics — was held at Panathinaiko Stadium in Athens, Greece with ranking rounds on 12 August and regular competition held from 15 August to 21 August. One hundred twenty eight archers from forty three nations competed in the four gold medal events… … Wikipedia
Eudoxus of Cnidus — (Greek Εὔδοξος ὁ Κνίδιος) (410 or 408 BC ndash; 355 or 347 BC) was a Greek astronomer, mathematician, scholar and student of Plato. Since all his own works are lost, our knowledge of him is obtained from secondary sources, such as Aratus s poem… … Wikipedia