make a long arm

make a long arm
делать большие конца, чтобы добыть что-л., прилагать большие усилия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "make a long arm" в других словарях:

  • make a long arm — phrasal : to extend the arm : reach out : exert oneself * * * make a long arm (informal) To help oneself freely at table • • • Main Entry: ↑long …   Useful english dictionary

  • arm — arm1 [ärm] n. [ME < OE earm; akin to L armus, Goth arms, OHG arm: see ART1] 1. a) an upper limb of the human body b) in anatomy, the part of the upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow c) in nontechnical use, the part of the upper limb… …   English World dictionary

  • long — long1 [ lɔŋ ] adjective *** ▸ 1 measurement/distance ▸ 2 lasting long time ▸ 3 measuring distance/time ▸ 4 book/letter/list ▸ 5 clothes ▸ 6 about ball in sports ▸ 7 drink: in tall glass ▸ 8 about vowel ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) measuring a large amount… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • arm — arm1 armed, adj. armlike, adj. /ahrm/, n. 1. the upper limb of the human body, esp. the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist. 2. the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow. 3. the forelimb of any vertebrate. 4. some part of an… …   Universalium

  • long — long1 W1S1 [lɔŋ US lo:ŋ] adj comparative longer superlative longest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(great length)¦ 2¦(great distance)¦ 3¦(large amount of time)¦ 4¦(particular length/distance/time)¦ 5¦(writing)¦ 6¦(clothing)¦ 7¦(tiring/boring)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • long — long1 W1S1 [lɔŋ US lo:ŋ] adj comparative longer superlative longest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(great length)¦ 2¦(great distance)¦ 3¦(large amount of time)¦ 4¦(particular length/distance/time)¦ 5¦(writing)¦ 6¦(clothing)¦ 7¦(tiring/boring)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • long — I UK [lɒŋ] / US [lɔŋ] adjective Word forms long : adjective long comparative longer superlative longest *** 1) lasting for a large amount of time It s a long time since I saw Rachel. There was a long pause before he spoke. Many people face a long …   English dictionary

  • Long gun — The term long gun is used to describe classes of firearm and cannon with longer barrels than other classes. In small arms, a long gun is designed to be fired braced against the shoulder, in contrast to a handgun, while in artillery a long gun… …   Wikipedia

  • arm — I [[t]ɑrm[/t]] n. 1) anat. a) the upper limb of the human body b) the upper limb from shoulder to elbow 2) anat. a) the forelimb of any vertebrate b) any similar structure in an invertebrate 3) hfi any armlike part or attachment, as the tone arm… …   From formal English to slang

  • Make Poverty History Emirates — (MPHE/MPH Emirates) Type Advocacy Campaign/Anti Poverty Coalition Industry Non Profit Campaign Founded 15th April 2005 Headquarters United Arab Emirates Key people Anish Kat …   Wikipedia

  • Long Island Sound — is an estuary of the Atlantic Ocean and various rivers in the United States that lies between the coast of Connecticut to the north and Long Island, New York to the south. The mouth of the Connecticut River at Old Saybrook, Connecticut empties… …   Wikipedia

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