major lobe

major lobe
главный лепесток

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "major lobe" в других словарях:

  • major lobe — pagrindinis lapelis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. main lobe; major lobe; principal lobe vok. Hauptkeule, f; Hauptzipfel, m rus. главный лепесток, m; основной лепесток, m pranc. lobe principal, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • major lobe — noun the maximum lobe in the radiation pattern which is intended to be along the forward axis and which gives the effect of a beam • Hypernyms: ↑lobe …   Useful english dictionary

  • lobe principal — pagrindinis lapelis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. main lobe; major lobe; principal lobe vok. Hauptkeule, f; Hauptzipfel, m rus. главный лепесток, m; основной лепесток, m pranc. lobe principal, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • lobe — A curve representing the relative signal strength plotted against the position of the aerial with respect to a target. four, two at an angle of 7° from the main beam and two at angle of 90°. Side lobes may cause false weak echoes. An antenna… …   Aviation dictionary

  • lobe — [lōb] n. [Fr < LL lobus < Gr lobos < IE base * lob , var. of * leb , to hang down > LAP1, SLEEP] a rounded projecting part; specif., a) the fleshy lower part of the human ear b) any of the main divisions of an organ separated by… …   English World dictionary

  • Major calyx — 1. Renal triangle 2. Efferent artery 3. Renal artery 4. Renal vein 5. Renal hilum 6. Renal pelvis 7. Ureter 8. Minor calyx …   Wikipedia

  • lobe — 1. One of the subdivisions of an organ or other part, bounded by fissures, sulci, connective tissue septa, or other structural demarcations. 2. A rounded projecting part, as the l. of the ear. SEE ALSO: lobule. 3. One of the larger divisions of… …   Medical dictionary

  • Major depressive disorder — For other depressive disorders, see Mood disorder. Major Depressive Disorder Classification and external resources …   Wikipedia

  • lobe — noun 1》 a hanging or projecting part, such as the soft part at the base of the outer ear. 2》 a major division of an organ such as the brain, typically rounded in form. Derivatives lobed adjective lobeless adjective Origin ME: via late L. from Gk… …   English new terms dictionary

  • lobe — (Subclass Mystacocarida): One of four (two anteromedian and two anterolateral = lateral) extension of anterior (antennulary) part of head (cephalon). Anteromedian lobes occasionally termed rostral plate. Configuration of lobes is of taxonomic… …   Crustacea glossary

  • lobe — n. a major division of an organ or part of an organ, especially one having a rounded form and often separated from other lobes by fissures or bands of connective tissue. For example, the brain, liver, and lung are divided into lobes. Derivatives …   The new mediacal dictionary

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