major cause
Смотреть что такое "major cause" в других словарях:
Major depressive disorder — For other depressive disorders, see Mood disorder. Major Depressive Disorder Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
cause — cause1 [ kɔz ] noun *** 1. ) count an event, thing, or person that makes something happen: cause of: The pathologist s report established the cause of death as extensive chest injuries. The major cause of these accidents is speeding by drivers.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cause */*/*/ — I UK [kɔːz] / US [kɔz] noun Word forms cause : singular cause plural causes 1) [countable] an event, thing, or person that makes something happen The major cause of these accidents is drivers going too fast. an essay on the causes of the First… … English dictionary
major — 01. Smoking is a [major] cause of cancer. 02. Hilary [majored] in economics at university. 03. Marlene switched her [major] from education to linguistics so she could teach ESL to immigrants. 04. Your grandfather was a [major] in the army. 05.… … Grammatical examples in English
major*/*/*/ — [ˈmeɪdʒə] adj I 1) important, large, or great one of the major problems facing our planet[/ex] The major attraction is a huge clock in the entrance hall.[/ex] Age is a major factor affecting chances of employment.[/ex] 2) in the musical SCALE… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Major Disaster — Publication information Publisher DC Comics First appearance … Wikipedia
Major (manga) — Major Major logo Genre Sports, Drama Manga Written by Takuya Mitsuda … Wikipedia
Major depressive episode — Classification and external resources ICD 10 F32.2 F32.3 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Major League Baseball drug policy — Major League Baseball s drug policy the Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program was established by agreement between the MLB Players Association and the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball in order to deter and end the use by baseball… … Wikipedia
cause — [ koz ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. causa « cause » et « procès » → chose I ♦ Ce qui produit un effet (considéré par rapport à cet effet). 1 ♦ (1170) Ce par quoi un événement, une action humaine arrive, se fait. ⇒ origine; motif, objet, raison, 3. sujet.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Major professional sports leagues of the United States and Canada — Major professional sports league, or simply major league, is the term used in Canada and the United States to refer to the highest professional division in any team sport. The term major league was first used in 1921 in reference to Major League… … Wikipedia