- maintenance regulation
- инструкция по техническому обслуживанию
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
MAINTENANCE — (Heb. מְזוֹנוֹת, mezonot), generally speaking, the supply of all the necessaries of the party entitled thereto, i.e., not only food, but also matters such as medical expenses, raiment, lodging, etc. (Sh. Ar., EH 73:7; see husband and wife ). When … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Regulation and licensure in engineering — Regulation of the engineering profession is established by various jurisdictions of the world to protect the safety, well being and other interests of the general public, and to define the licensure process through which an engineer becomes… … Wikipedia
Regulation of ship pollution in the United States — International laws and regulationsMARPOL 73/78 is one of the most important treaties regulating pollution from ships. Six Annexes of the Convention cover the various sources of pollution from ships and provide an overarching framework for… … Wikipedia
Maintenance Margin — The minimum amount of equity that must be maintained in a margin account. In the context of the NYSE and NASD, after an investor has bought securities on margin, the minimum required level of margin is 25% of the total market value of the… … Investment dictionary
regulation — Synonyms and related words: Procrustean law, accepted, accommodation, accustomed, act, adaptation, adjustment, administration, assimilation, attunement, authoritative, authority, average, balance, balancing, bill, binding, bylaw, canon, canonical … Moby Thesaurus
Care and maintenance of pianos — The piano requires various forms of maintenance to produce its best sound. Maintenance is also important for the appearance of the piano.Care by TechnicianTuning Main article: Piano tuning Pianos that are prized by their owners are tuned… … Wikipedia
Defence Regulation 18B — Defence Regulation 18B, often referred to as simply 18B, was the most famous of the Defence Regulations used by the British Government during World War II. The complete technical reference name for this rule was: Regulation 18B of the Defence… … Wikipedia
European Community regulation — refers to the body of European Union law involved in the regulation of state support to commercial industries, and of certain industry sectors and public services. The industries currently subject to regulation and liberalisation are, for the… … Wikipedia
Choix des boucles de régulation — En automatique, pour la régulation d un système dynamique, une boucle de régulation est un dispositif constitué d un ou de plusieurs capteurs mesurant une grandeur physique à contrôler, fournissant ainsi les données nécessaires au système de… … Wikipédia en Français
Commission for Energy Regulation — An Coimisiún Rialall Fuinnimh Type State Regulatory Authority Industry electricity Regulation, Gas Regulation Founded Dublin, Ireland (1999) Headquarters Dublin, Ireland Key … Wikipedia
Choix Des Boucles De Régulation — Une boucle de régulation est constituée d un ou plusieurs capteurs qui mesurent une grandeur physique (que l on veut contrôler), reliés au système de commande d une machine qui peut modifier cette grandeur physique. Sommaire 1 Selon la chaîne 1.1 … Wikipédia en Français