maintenance criterion

maintenance criterion
критерий качества технического обслуживания

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "maintenance criterion" в других словарях:

  • The Criterion (magazine) — The Criterion was a British literary magazine published from October 1922 to January 1939.[1] The Criterion (or the Criterion) was, for most of its run, a quarterly journal, although for a period in 1927 28 it was published monthly. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • критерий качества технического обслуживания — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN criterion of servicemaintenance criterion …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Analytic Hierarchy Process — The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for helping people deal with complex decisions. Rather than prescribing a correct decision, the AHP helps people to determine one. Based on mathematics and human psychology, it was… …   Wikipedia

  • Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion — For requests to hide the contents of edit summaries, see Wikipedia:Oversight. WP:SPEEDY redirects here. For the guideline discussing when to end deletion debates early as keep , see Wikipedia:Speedy keep. For the list of current candidates for… …   Wikipedia

  • operations research — the analysis, usually involving mathematical treatment, of a process, problem, or operation to determine its purpose and effectiveness and to gain maximum efficiency. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * Application of scientific methods to management and… …   Universalium

  • Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… …   Universalium

  • Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… …   Universalium

  • MEDICINE AND LAW — This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Judicial Decision – A Value Determination the values of a jewish and democratic state in the image of god PHYSICIAN S DUTIES AND PATIENTS RIGHTS the physician and the judge …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Claud A. Jones Award — The Claud A. Jones Award is a prestigious award presented annually to the Fleet Engineer of the Year by the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) since 1987. The award recognizes the efforts of United States fleet or field engineers who have …   Wikipedia

  • death — /deth/, n. 1. the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Cf. brain death. 2. an instance of this: a death in the family; letters published after his death. 3. the state of being …   Universalium

  • Detection theory — Detection theory, or signal detection theory, is a means to quantify the ability to discern between signal and noise. According to the theory, there are a number of determiners of how a detecting system will detect a signal, and where its… …   Wikipedia

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