main sail

main sail
грот (парус)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "main sail" в других словарях:

  • main|sail — «MAYN SAYL; Nautical MAYN suhl», noun. the largest sail of a ship on the mainmast …   Useful english dictionary

  • Main-sail —    (Gr. artemon), answering to the modern mizzen sail, as some suppose. Others understand the jib, near the prow, or the fore sail, as likely to be most useful in bringing a ship s head to the wind in the circumstances described (Acts 27:40) …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • main·sail — /ˈmeınˌseıl, ˈmeınsəl/ noun, pl sails [count] : the largest sail of a sailing ship …   Useful english dictionary

  • sail — as·sail·a·ble; as·sail·ment; fore·sail; fore·stay·sail; gaff·sail; head·sail; lug·sail; main·sail; mat·sail; moon·sail; re·sail; sail·age; sail; sail·er; sail·less; sail·or; sail·or·ing; sail·or·iz·ing; sail·or·less; sail·or·ly; sail·or·man;… …   English syllables

  • main — al·main; do·main·al; leg·er·de·main; main; main·er; main·ite; main·land; main·land·er; main·mast; main·our; main·per·na·ble; main·per·nor; main·pri·sor; main·sail; main·tain; main·tain·able; main·tain·er; main·tain·or; main·top; main·top·man;… …   English syllables

  • SAIL Amsterdam — is a large maritime manifestation that is held every 5 years in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, when tall ships from all over the world visit the city to moor in its Eastern harbour, where people can then admire the ships for four days from the quay… …   Wikipedia

  • Saïl Mohamed — (Ameriane ben Amezaine, 1894 1953) fut un anarchiste algérien et pionnier de la lutte anti coloniale. Jacques Prévert lui a dédié un poème. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Espagne : guerre civile (1936 1939) 3 D …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sail close near the wind — Ⅰ. ► sail close to (or near) the wind 1) sail as nearly against the wind as is consistent with using its force. 2) informal verge on indecency, dishonesty, or disaster. Main Entry: ↑wind Ⅱ. ► sail close to the wind 1) …   English terms dictionary

  • sail close to the wind — Ⅰ. ► sail close to (or near) the wind 1) sail as nearly against the wind as is consistent with using its force. 2) informal verge on indecency, dishonesty, or disaster. Main Entry: ↑wind Ⅱ. ► sail close to the wind 1) …   English terms dictionary

  • SAIL (programming language) — SAIL, the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language, was developed by Dan Swinehart and Bob Sproull of the Stanford AI Lab in 1970. It was originally a large ALGOL 60 like language for the PDP 10 and DECSYSTEM 20.SAIL s main feature is a symbolic …   Wikipedia

  • main|top|gal|lant|sail — «MAYN top GAL uhnt SAYL; Nautical MAYN tuh GAL uhnt suhl», noun. the sail belonging to the maintopgallantmast …   Useful english dictionary

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