main oscillator

main oscillator
задающий генератор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "main oscillator" в других словарях:

  • Crystal oscillator — A miniature 4 MHz quartz crystal enclosed in a hermetically sealed HC 49/US package, used as the resonator in a crystal oscillator. A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal …   Wikipedia

  • Harmonic oscillator — This article is about the harmonic oscillator in classical mechanics. For its uses in quantum mechanics, see quantum harmonic oscillator. Classical mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic oscillator — An electronic oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a repetitive electronic signal, often a sine wave or a square wave.A low frequency oscillator (LFO) is an electronic oscillator that generates an AC waveform between 0.1 Hz and 10 Hz …   Wikipedia

  • Dynatron oscillator — A dynatron oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses negative resistance to keep an LC tank circuit oscillating. In theory, if an ideal capacitor is connected in parallel with an ideal inductor, they form a resonant circuit that, once it… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable-frequency oscillator — A variable frequency oscillator (VFO) in electronics is a oscillator with an oscillation frequency that can be electronically changed (hence, variable).cite book |title=The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, Sixty Eighth Edition |editor=Larry D.… …   Wikipedia

  • Delay line oscillator — A delay line oscillator is a form of electronic oscillator that uses a delay line as its principal timing element. The circuit is set to oscillate by inverting the output of the delay line and feeding that signal back to the input of the delay… …   Wikipedia

  • Backward wave oscillator — A backward wave oscillator (BWO), also called carcinotron (a trade name for tubes manufactured by CSF, now Thales) or backward wave tube, is a vacuum tube that is used to generate microwaves up to the terahertz range. It belongs to the traveling… …   Wikipedia

  • Percentage Price Oscillator - PPO — A technical momentum indicator showing the relationship between two moving averages. To calculate the PPO, subtract the 26 day exponential moving average (EMA) from the nine day EMA, and then divide this difference by the 26 day EMA. The end… …   Investment dictionary

  • NORD-100 — The NORD 100 was a 16 bit minicomputer series made by Norsk Data, introduced in 1979. It shipped with the SINTRAN operating system, and the architecture was based on, and backwards compatible with, the NORD 10 line. The NORD 100 was originally… …   Wikipedia

  • Doji — Main article: Candlestick pattern The doji is a commonly found pattern in a candlestick chart of financially traded assets (stocks, bonds, futures, etc). It is characterized by being small in length meaning a small trading range with an opening… …   Wikipedia

  • Spark (cellular automaton) — [ oscillator in Conway s Game of Life. The two live cells appearing at the top of the pattern every five generations form a spark.] In Conway s Game of Life and similar cellular automaton rules, a spark is a small collection of live cells that… …   Wikipedia

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