main drag
Смотреть что такое "main drag" в других словарях:
main drag — n the main drag AmE informal the main street in a town or city where big shops and businesses are ▪ the restaurants that line the main drag … Dictionary of contemporary English
main drag — noun singular INFORMAL the main street in a town … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
main drag — main′ drag′ n. sl. the main street of a town • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
main drag — ► NOUN informal, chiefly N. Amer. ▪ the main street of a town … English terms dictionary
main drag — ☆ main drag n. Slang the principal street of a city or town … English World dictionary
main drag — noun the main street of a town or city (Freq. 1) • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism • Hypernyms: ↑main street, ↑high street * * * Slang. the main street of a city or town; main stem. [1850 55] * * * … Useful english dictionary
main drag — noun a) Literally, a primary or major retarding force. 2005: Market lower: bank stocks were the main drag. mdash; news online, stock market report summary, 25 November 2005 [ … Wiktionary
main drag — N SING: the N The main drag in a town or city is its main street. [mainly AM, INFORMAL] ...just two blocks off the main drag in Aberdeen, South Dakota … English dictionary
main drag — noun the main drag AmE informal the main street in a town or city where big shops and businesses are: cruising along the main drag in Las Vegas … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
main drag — n. the main street. □ I have a shop over on the main drag. □ The main drag is solid with traffic on Saturday nights … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
main drag — {n.}, {colloquial} 1. The most important street or thoroughfare in a town. * /Lincoln Avenue is the main drag of our town./ 2. The street where the dope pushers and the prostitutes are. * /Wells Street is the main drag of Chicago, actionwise./ … Dictionary of American idioms