Смотреть что такое "mail-room" в других словарях:
mail|room — «MAYL ROOM, RUM», noun. a room used for receiving and distributing mail, as in an office … Useful english dictionary
mail room — ➔ room1 … Financial and business terms
Mail chute — Inactive mail chutes in the Empire State Building A disused mail chute at Gr … Wikipedia
room — ▪ I. room room 1 [ruːm, rʊm] noun 1. [countable] a part of the inside of a building: • conference room facilities • the college staff room ˈpost room also ˈmail … Financial and business terms
Mail services center — A mail services center or mail service center (MSC) is a central hub for all mail and package shipping and receiving for a large campus (such as that of a university or government facility). The staff at the MSC will sort and take incoming mail… … Wikipedia
mail — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ⇨ See also ↑post ADJECTIVE ▪ certified (AmE) (recorded delivery in BrE), registered ▪ express ▪ first class, second class ( … Collocations dictionary
room clerk — noun a hotel clerk who is responsible for room assignments to guests (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑desk clerk, ↑hotel desk clerk, ↑hotel clerk * * * noun : a hotel clerk who is in charge of the assignment of rooms to guests * * * a clerk at a hotel who … Useful english dictionary
room clerk — a clerk at a hotel who assigns rooms to guests, keeps the guest register, sorts the incoming mail, etc. [1915 20] * * * … Universalium
The Situation Room (photograph) — … Wikipedia
Anti-spam techniques (e-mail) — To prevent e mail spam, both end users and administrators of e mail systems use various anti spam techniques. Some of these techniques have been embedded in products, services and software to ease the burden on users and administrators. No one… … Wikipedia
V-mail — stands for Victory Mail. It was based on the British Airgraph , and was a system for delivering mail from United States troops to home addresses during World War II. V mail correspondence worked by photographing large amounts of censored mail… … Wikipedia