Смотреть что такое "magsman" в других словарях:
magsman — noun A con man who tries to deceive members of the public. Syn: cracksman … Wiktionary
magsman — n. person who tells stories; confidence man … English contemporary dictionary
magsman — mags·man … English syllables
magsman — /ˈmægzmən/ (say magzmuhn) noun (plural magsmen) Colloquial 1. a person who tells stories; raconteur. 2. a confidence man. {combination of two words originally in a syntactical relationship; mag s (genitive case) + man} …
magsman — ˈmagzmən noun (plural magsmen) Etymology: mag (I) + man slang chiefly Britain : swindler … Useful english dictionary
Thief — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Thief >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 thief thief robber homo triumliterarum pilferer rifler filcher plagiarist GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 spoiler spoiler depredator pillager marauder … English dictionary for students
juggler — n 1. circus artist or performer; magician, illusionist, conjurer, prestidigitator, legerdemainist, sleight of hand performer. 2. trickster, deceiver, deluder, beguiler, Inf. bam boozler; cheat, swindler, defrauder, double dealer, sharp, sharper,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
racketeer — n 1. gangster, mobster, mafioso, Sl. gunsel; desperado, thug, terrorist; tough, Inf. toughie, mugger, ruffian, rowdy, hoodlum, Sl. hood, Inf. goon, hooligan, Inf. roughneck, Inf. baddy, Sl. bad actor, Sl. mug, Australian Sl. larrikin. 2.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
robber — n 1. burglar, thief, stealer, Inf. crook; housebreaker, Sl. cracksman, Brit. picklock, Raffles, sneak thief, cat burglar, Inf. second story man; Inf. hold up man, Sl. stickup man; mugger; safecracker, Jimmy Valentine. 2. petty thief, Sl. ripoff,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
thief — n 1. pilferer, filcher, Sl. ripoff or rip off artist, purloiner, stealer, Inf. crook, Sl. ganef; shoplifter, pickpocket, cutpurse, purse snatcher, light fingered Louie, Sl. dip; Psychol. kleptomaniac. 2. burglar, robber, housebreaker, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder