Смотреть что такое "magnetosome" в других словарях:
Magnetosome — chains are membranous prokaryotic organelles present in magnetotactic bacteria. They contain 15 to 20 magnetite crystals that together act like a compass needle to orient magnetotactic bacteria in geomagnetic fields, thereby simplifying their… … Wikipedia
magnetosome — Enveloped compartment in magnetotactic bacteria containing magnetite particles. By using this organelle to detect the vertical component of the Earth s magnetic field, the bacteria swim towards the bottom of the sea … Dictionary of molecular biology
magnetosome — noun A membranous prokaryotic organelle, containing mineral crystals, present in magnetotactic bacteria … Wiktionary
Magnétosomes et bactéries magnétotactiques — Les bactéries magnétotactiques (BMT) sont des micro organismes, découverts en 1970 par R. P. Blakemore, capables de se déplacer le long de lignes de champ magnétique. Elles contiennent des organites, les magnétosomes, qui sont à l origine de… … Wikipédia en Français
Magnetotactic bacteria — (or MTB) are a polyphyletic group of bacteria discovered by Richard P. Blakemore in 1975, that orient along the magnetic field lines of Earth s magnetic field. To perform this task, these bacteria have organelles called magnetosomes that contain… … Wikipedia
Bacterial cell structure — Bacteria, despite their apparent simplicity, contain a well developed cell structure which is responsible for many of their unique biological properties. Many structural features are unique to bacteria and are not found among archaea or… … Wikipedia
Магнетосома — (бактериальная магнитная наночастица, бактериальная магнитная частица, англ. magnetosome) мембранная структура бактерий,[1] характерная для обладающих магнитотаксисом бактерий, содержащая монодоменные ферромагнитные кристаллы.[2]… … Википедия
Magnetoception — (or magnetoreception) is the ability to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. This sense plays a role in the navigational abilities of several animal species and has been postulated as a method for animals to… … Wikipedia
Magnetotaxis — Als Magnetotaxis wird die Orientierung der Bewegungsrichtung von Lebewesen in einem Magnetfeld bezeichnet. Ökologisch bedeutend ist die Orientierung am Magnetfeld der Erde. Nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen spielen dabei sogenannte Magnetosomen eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Organelle — A typical animal cell. Within the cytoplasm, the major organelles and cellular structures include: (1) nucleolus (2) nucleus (3) ribosome (4) vesicle (5) rough endoplasmic reticulum (6) Golgi apparatus … Wikipedia
Subcellular localization — The cells of eukaryotic organisms are elaborately subdivided into functionally distinct membrane bound compartments. Some major constituents of eukaryotic cells are: extracellular space, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus,… … Wikipedia