magnetizable flux
Смотреть что такое "magnetizable flux" в других словарях:
electromagnetism — /i lek troh mag ni tiz euhm/, n. 1. the phenomena associated with electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with each other and with electric charges and currents. 2. Also, electromagnetics. the science that deals with these phenomena.… … Universalium
Inductance — Electromagnetism Electricity · … Wikipedia
magnetizability — noun a) The state of being magnetizable b) A measure of the extent to which something is magnetizable; specifically the tensor quantity relating the induced magnetic moment to the applied magnetic flux density … Wiktionary
induction — noun Date: 14th century 1. a. the act or process of inducting (as into office) b. an initial experience ; initiation c. the formality by which a civilian is inducted into military service 2. a. (1) inference of a generalized conclusion from… … New Collegiate Dictionary
permeability — noun Date: 1759 1. the quality or state of being permeable 2. the property of a magnetizable substance that determines the degree in which it modifies the magnetic flux in the region occupied by it in a magnetic field … New Collegiate Dictionary
Hard disk drive — Hard drive redirects here. For other uses, see Hard drive (disambiguation). Hard disk drive Mechanical interior of a modern hard disk drive Date invented 24 December 1954 [1] … Wikipedia
Reading (computer) — For other uses, see Reading (disambiguation). Reading is an action performed by computers, to acquire data from a source and place it into their volatile memory for processing. For example, a computer may read information off a floppy disk and… … Wikipedia
induction — 1. Production or causation. 2. Production of an electric current or magnetic state in a body by electricity or magnetism in another body close to the first body. 3. The period from the start of anesthesia to the establishment of a depth of … Medical dictionary
saturation factor — noun : a measure of the saturation of a magnetizable body that is the ratio of a small percentage increase in excitation to the percentage increase in magnetic flux produced thereby and that is usually applied to the magnetic excitation of… … Useful english dictionary