- magnetically confined plasma
- плазма, удерживаемая магнитным полем
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
magnetically confined plasma — magnetiškai išlaikoma plazma statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. magnetically confined plasma vok. manetisch behaltenes Plasma, n; Plasma mit magnetischer Retention, n rus. плазма с магнитным удержанием, f; плазма с удержанием… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
plasma — plasmatic /plaz mat ik/, plasmic, adj. /plaz meuh/, n. 1. Anat., Physiol. the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements. 2. Cell Biol. cytoplasm. 3. whey. 4. a green, faintly translucent chalcedony. 5. Physics. a … Universalium
Plasma mit magnetischer Retention — magnetiškai išlaikoma plazma statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. magnetically confined plasma vok. manetisch behaltenes Plasma, n; Plasma mit magnetischer Retention, n rus. плазма с магнитным удержанием, f; плазма с удержанием… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
plasma à confinement magnétique — magnetiškai išlaikoma plazma statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. magnetically confined plasma vok. manetisch behaltenes Plasma, n; Plasma mit magnetischer Retention, n rus. плазма с магнитным удержанием, f; плазма с удержанием… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
manetisch behaltenes Plasma — magnetiškai išlaikoma plazma statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. magnetically confined plasma vok. manetisch behaltenes Plasma, n; Plasma mit magnetischer Retention, n rus. плазма с магнитным удержанием, f; плазма с удержанием… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
James Clerk Maxwell Prize in Plasma Physics — The James Clerk Maxwell Prize in Plasma Physics Awarded for Outstanding contributions to the field of Plasma Physics Presented by American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Country United States First awarded 1975 … Wikipedia
Institute for Plasma Research — (IPR) is an autonomous physics research institute located in India. The institute is involved in research in various aspects of plasma science including basic plasma physics, research on magnetically confined hot plasmas and plasma technologies… … Wikipedia
Double layer (plasma) — This article is about the structure in plasma physics. For other uses, see Double layer. Saturnian aurora whose reddish colour is characteristic of ionized hydrogen plasma.[1] Powered by the Saturnian equivalent of (filamentary) Birkeland… … Wikipedia
Quark–gluon plasma — A QGP is formed at the collision point of two relativistically accelerated gold ions in the center of the STAR detector at the relativistic heavy ion collider at the Brookhaven national laboratory. A quark–gluon plasma … Wikipedia
nuclear fusion — fusion (def. 4). [1895 1900] * * * Process by which nuclear reactions between light elements form heavier ones, releasing huge amounts of energy. In 1939 Hans Bethe suggested that the energy output of the sun and other stars is a result of fusion … Universalium
Tokamak — A tokamak is a machine producing a toroidal magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices, and it is one of the most researched candidates for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power.… … Wikipedia