Смотреть что такое "magnetic-moving" в других словарях:
magnetic force — n. the repelling or attracting force between a magnet and a ferromagnetic material, between a magnet and a current carrying conductor, etc. * * * Attraction or repulsion that arises between electrically charged particles that are in motion. While … Universalium
Magnetic resonance angiography — Intervention Time of flight MRA showing the circle of Willis in the brain. Note the venetian blinds artifact visible as the multiple pseudo stenosis on both the left and right middle cerebral artery … Wikipedia
Magnetic river — is an electrodynamic suspension magnetic levitation (maglev) system designed by Eastham and Eric Laithwaite in 1974. It consists of a thin conductive plate on an AC linear induction motor. Due to the transverse flux and the geometry, this gives… … Wikipedia
Magnetic circuit — Magnetic Circuits Conventional Magnetic Circuits Magnetomotive force Magnetic flux Φ Magnetic reluctance Phasor Magnetic Circuits Complex reluctance Zμ … Wikipedia
Magnetic reconnection — is a physical process in highly conducting plasmas in which the magnetic topology is rearranged and magnetic energy is converted to kinetic energy, thermal energy, and particle acceleration. Magnetic reconnection occurs on timescales intermediate … Wikipedia
Magnetic storage — and magnetic recording are terms from engineering referring to the storage of data on a magnetized medium. Magnetic storage uses different patterns of magnetization in a magnetizable material to store data and is a form of non volatile memory.… … Wikipedia
Magnetic stirrer — A stir bar mixing a solution on a combined hot plate magnetic stirrer device. The left knob controls the stirring rate and the right knob controls heating. Other names Magnetic mixer Uses Liquid mixing Inventor … Wikipedia
Magnetic tape data storage — uses digital recording on to magnetic tape to store digital information. Modern magnetic tape is most commonly packaged in cartridges and cassettes. The device that performs actual writing or reading of data is a tape drive. Autoloaders and tape… … Wikipedia
Magnetic shark repellent — Magnetic shark repellents utilize permanent magnets, which exploit the sensitivity of the Ampullae of Lorenzini in sharks and rays (electrosense). This organ is not found on bony fishes (teleosts), therefore, this type of shark repellent is… … Wikipedia
Magnetic separation — is a process in which magnetically susceptible material is extracted from a mixture using a magnetic force. This separation technique can be useful in mining iron as it is attracted to a magnet. In mines where wolframite was mixed with… … Wikipedia
magnetic force — n. The force caused by a magnetic field, a force which affects objects having a magnetic field and objects in which a magnetic field can be induced, such as ferromagnetic substances; a magnetic force manifests itself as an attraction for iron. It … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English