magnetic electron microscope

magnetic electron microscope
электронный микроскоп с магнитными линзами

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "magnetic electron microscope" в других словарях:

  • electron microscope — n. an instrument that focuses a beam of electrons on an object, using electric or magnetic fields, to form an enlarged image of the object on a fluorescent screen, photographic plate, or cathode ray tube; specif., such an instrument in which the… …   English World dictionary

  • Electron microscope — Diagram of a transmission electron microscope A 197 …   Wikipedia

  • electron microscope — Abbreviation: EM A microscope that uses an electron beam focussed by magnetic lenses . See: scanning electron microscope …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • electron microscope — a microscope of extremely high power that uses beams of electrons focused by magnetic lenses instead of rays of light, the magnified image being formed on a fluorescent screen or recorded on a photographic plate: its magnification is… …   Universalium

  • electron microscope — elec′tron mi croscope n. opt a microscope of extremely high power that uses beams of electrons focused by magnetic lenses instead of rays of light, the magnified image being formed on a fluorescent screen or recorded on a photographic plate •… …   From formal English to slang

  • transmission electron microscope — (trans mish un) A microscope in which an image is formed by passing an electron beam through a specimen and focusing the scattered electrons with magnetic lenses …   Dictionary of microbiology

  • Electron diffraction — is a technique used to study matter by firing electrons at a sample and observing the resulting interference pattern. This phenomenon occurs due to the wave particle duality, which states that a particle of matter (in this case the incident… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic lens — …   Wikipedia

  • Electron beam lithography — (often abbreviated as e beam lithography) is the practice of scanning a beam of electrons in a patterned fashion across a surface covered with a film (called the resist),cite book |last= McCord |first=M. A. |coauthors=M. J. Rooks |title=… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron holography — is the application of holography techniques to electron waves rather than light waves.Illumination sourcePoint like field emission sources are the appropriate sources for coherent electron waves. Unlike optical sources, the wavelength is not… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron optics — deals with the focusing and deflection of electrons using magnetic and/or electrostatic fields. See also * Charged particle beam * Electron beam technology * Electron microscope * Ernst Ruska References * [ …   Wikipedia

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